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Newspaper Activity – Groups of 4 - Mughal Empire Newspaper Activity – Groups of 4 - Mughal Empire. Read first as a group + vocab Ch. 18 Sect. 3 Newspaper must have a name Must include a Headline Article and write up of a major event in that historical time period Must explain the significance, impact and contribution to history and society during that historical time period and to history as a whole 5 W’s Must include two editorials of contrasting someone’s opinion of the time One must be pro the event/person One must be con the event/person Must include an advertisement of a product from the time period Must include at least 5 visuals Authentic prints ok , or hand drawn Must be formatted to look like a newspaper Must include a biography or interview of a major player in the event Must give a firsthand look at a major historical figure and their role, impact, and contribution to an event in history Must include a political cartoon Must be equal to 4 pages
1- Arrival of Islam After Gupta rule in 500’s small kingdoms took over many parts of India Arab Muslim traders arrive (West ports) searching for spices and other goods Muslims peacefully reside with Hindus and Buddhists 200 years later, 700’s, Muslim raiders invaded and conquered the region of Sind(modern day Pakistan) 300 years later Muslims poured in from Afghanistan, by 1200’s northern India mostly Muslim
2 – The Delhi Sultanate Muslims est. new gov’t for region based in Delhi, named gov’t Delhi sultanate Allowed Indians to practice traditional customs/religions Spread Muslim culture in India by inviting artists and scholars from Islamic world to India. New culture formed including new language, Urdu, combination of Arabic and Sanskrit
3- A New Empire/Babur Delhi Sultanate remained strong for 300 years until 1500’s Young conquerer from Central AsiaZahir ud-Din “Babur – The Tiger” took over 1526 defeated rulers of Delhi and created Mughal Empire Name comes from Persian word Mogul for “Mongol” First Muslim empire One of the great civilizations in history known for wealth and power
4- The Inside Story Prince Babur “Tiger” , descendant of both Timur the Great and Genghis Khan By age 11 became king of Fergana, by 14 led army to victory Desired massive empire, 1525 attacked India headed for Delhi when met by Indian army Babur lead army of 12,000 troops met India army of 100,000 + including 1,000 elephants Babur’s army special trained and more disciplined also had the cannon First cannon shot scared elephants, turned around and stampeded through Indian army
5- Akbar the Great Grandson of Babur Akbar the Great took over 13 when took throne in 1556 Was greatest Mughal ruler, feared diverse population would break down empire To win people over married nobles daughter, and brought her brothers to live with him in court Promoted religious tolerance, did not believe one religion could provide all the answers to life's problems, encouraged discussion/debates and cut taxes on non-muslims Had strict financial/military/civil rule over his government, 2/3 of leaders were from outside of Mughal Empire
6- Faces of History : Akbar United Indian territory Abolished slavery, developed trade Patron of arts, encouraged development of science Tolerant of non Muslims Became model for later Mughal rulers
7- Jahangir Akbars son Jahangir took over after death of father 1605 Accepted religious and art tolerance Wife, Nur Jahan, born in Persia helped him to adopt many Persian influences into Indian society Would rule for many years for him while ill Fought against the Sikhs Sikhism – founded by guru Nanak, blended elements of Islam/Hinduism Believe in one god like Islam but Hindu concept of reincarnation and attempting to escape this cycle of rebirth
Sikh temple Espanola , NM 8- The Sikhs 20 million Sikhs, 500 years ago Guru Nanak founded religion writing teachings in poems. Those teachings and 9 other Gurus (prophets) teachings form part of the holy book of Sikhism Serving others, living a truthful life, belief that all people are equal regardless of gender/social class core to Sikh spirituality. Wear turbans as example of Sikhs strong belief in social equality Prior to Mughal empire only kings and noblemen could wear turbans, now required for all men and optional for women. Honor the human form as created by God Sikhs do not cut their hair or beards
9- Shah Jahan Jahangir’s son, helped lead to cultural golden age Constructed the Taj Mahal – greatest example of Mughal architecture, Designed by Persian architects, displayed elements of Indian, Persian and Muslim architectural styles Built as a tomb for Shah Jahan’s beloved wife Built fancy palaces in Delhi and famous Peacock throne Attacked Christians and Hindus Taxed people heavily to pay for all, asked for half of all crops leading to famine
10- Aurangzeb 1657 father Shah Jahan grew ill, began to prepare to take throne. War broke out. Shah Jahan unexpectedly recovered, son Aurangzed captured him and locked him in a prison in Agra. Killed all rivals and brought head of brother in a box to show father, declared himself emperor Expanded the territory of India Imposed his religious views on society His restrictions and persecutions led to many rebellions, sent soldiers riding elephants to crush protests
11- Decline of the Mughals Aurangzeb harsh rule led to many rebellions in late 1600’s Upon death civil war broke out for 150 years, invaders from north flooded in Eventually the British took over making it a colony and part of their global empire
12- Achievements of the Mughal Emperors Babur (1526-1530) Conquered India Founded the Mughal Empire Akbar (1556-1605) Expanded the size of the Mughal Empire Built a strong central government Promoted religious tolerance Jahangir (1605-1627) Encouraged Persian culture in India Supported art and literature Shah Jahan (1628-1658) Promoted literature and arts Built the Taj Majal and a capital at Delhi Aurangzeb (1658-1707) Supported the growth of Sunni Islam Increased the empire to its largest size
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