+ The Electroencephalogram (EEG) Klaire, Louis, Audrey and Christina
+ Description It’s one of the first and oldest technique to study the brain out The EEG printout is a representation of brainwave activity There is an electrical charge from neurons that transport information in the brain EEG registers patterns of voltage change in the brain With the EEG psychologists have been able to better understand behaviors like sleep emotions and epilepsy
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+ Strengths and Limitations StrengthsLimitations The EEG is now a digitalizedDoes not specify where in the brain the activity is coming from Non invasive technology/ cheaper than PET and fMRI The electrical activity is from the outside of the brain EEG sensors are more mobile compared to PET and fMRI machines It is difficult to interpret the results you have to be well trained and skilled EEG is tolerant of participant movement Does not show a clear link between structure and function Can be combined with other brain imaging techniques EEG is silent which gets better results auditory stimuli Does not aggravate claustrophobia
+ Hoffman et al. (2001) ‘EEG study of the effects of Psychedelic tea’ Aim: To study the effect of psychedelic tea on the human brain using EEGs Procedures: 12 volunteers in Brazil Data revised under field conditions before and after the shamanistic ritual, during which the psychedelic tea After 3 doses of the tea the subjects showed significant increase in the alpha and theta amplitudes Strongest increase of alpha activity were observed in the occipital lopes Where as, Alpha was unchanged in the frontal lope Theta were significantly increased in both occipital and frontal lopes
+ Hoffman et al. (2001) ‘EEG study of the effects of Psychedelic tea’ Findings and Conclusions: The increased alpha and theta activity reflected an alter state of consciousness In the state the subjects reported increase awareness of their subconsciousness processes they were hallucinating The tea seems to open up the individual to their feelings and provide personal psychological insights and it may be valuable to psycho-therapy
+ RACE! Fill in the strengths and limitations of EEGS - Group with the most answers in their color wins!
+ StrengthsLimitations
+ Answers! StrengthsLimitations The EEG is now a digitalizedDoes not specify where in the brain the activity is coming from Non invasive technology/ cheaper than PET and fMRI The electrical activity is from the outside of the brain EEG sensors are more mobile compared to PET and fMRI machines It is difficult to interpret the results you have to be well trained and skilled EEG is tolerant of participant movement Does not show a clear link between structure and function Can be combined with other brain imaging techniques EEG is silent which gets better results auditory stimuli Does not aggravate claustrophobia
+ Bibliography pg pg ayahuasca.jpg ayahuasca.jpg preparation.jpg preparation.jpg 0.jpg 0.jpg Body/ x.electroencephalogram.1.jpg Body/ x.electroencephalogram.1.jpg