Faculty of Information Engineering and Technology IET Majors Orientation
Agenda -Introductory Discussion -IET Majors. -Electronics -Tracks -Example Projects -Career Opportunities -Communications -Tracks -Example Projects -Career Opportunities -Networking -Tracks -Example Projects -Career Opportunities
Engineering Responsibilities Design Install Maintain Produce Research Sales
1 Large-Scale Coordinated Multi-Points with Cloud Radio Access – Towards an Efficient 5G Networks, Project partners: Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), Berlin; Ruhr- Universität Bochum Dr.-Ing. Khaled Shawky Hassan Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Mahdy Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aydin Siezgen Dr.-Ing. Thomas Haustein Dr.-Ing. Lars Thiele 2 An IoT Framework for Smart Energy Management, Project partners: Fraunhofer IIS. Dr. Amr El-Mougy Dr. Amr Desouky Dr. Tallal El Shabrawy Dr. Mohamed Ashour Dr. Amr Talaat Funded Projects IET Researches
3 Design and Prototyping of Low Power Reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip for MPSoCs and Future Many Cores, DAAD-BMBF, Project partners:TU Darmstadt & Ruhr- Universität Bochum Dr. Mohamed A. Abd El Ghany 2 Design and Implementation of Dynamic Adaptive Network-on-Chip Architecture Supporting Real-Time Applications, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Project partners: TU Darmstadt Dr. Mohamed A. Abd El Ghany Funded Projects IET Researches Cooperation with Partners To increase Funded Project !!
First Prize Winners For 7 th semester student s 30,000 EGP from Examples of the Faculty Achievements
Adaptable Reconfigurable Antenna Array System with Multi-Angle and Tri- Polarization Diversity EhabMuhammadNorhanMahmoudKarim GUC RF TEAM Supervised by Assoc. Prof. Hany Hammad
Presentation Objective Electronics Communications Networks
BEFORE WE START: FOLLOW WHAT YOU LIKE MORE Be Special Become a Leading Engineer
Networks Engineering
WiFi Networks DSL Networks Cable Networks The Networks Revolution Optical Networks Sensor Networks Data Centers and Cloud Computing Body Area Networks Home Networks Cellular Networks
Networks in Diverse Businesses Telecommunications BusinessInter vehicle communication HealthIndustrial Process Control Agriculture & Irrigation Mobile Applications
Networks Courses Networks Math Programming Networks’ Design Networks’ Implementation Networks’ Optimization
Networks Curriculum Overview
Networks PHY Fundamental
Networks Network Connectivity
Networks Network Language
Networks Network Evaluation
Networks Applications
Networks TelecommunicationsNetworks PHY Fundamentals InternetworkingConnectivity PerformanceModelingEvaluation ProtocolEngineeringLanguage Computer Science Applications Networks
Misconceptions About Networks (Bey2ollo) If I join Communications and Take Cisco Course Will I become a Network Engineer If I Take Cisco Course after I graduate from Communications Will I become a Network Engineer Can Electronics or even MET Graduates Take Cisco Courses and work as Network Engineer
Networks Actually I would Claim it is the OTHER WAY AROUND Application Layer Transport Layer Network Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer WE SEE THE FULL PICTURE
Networks The Future of Networks IoT SDN Data Centers
Research/Projects: IoT Framework for EMS
Research/Projects: GUC Smart Campus
Research/Projects: Energy Efficient Data Centers
Research/Projects: Indoor Network Planning Propagation Models -Customized to Egypt Construction Building Code -Empirical Multi-Path Models (LTE) Propagation Models -Customized to Egypt Construction Building Code -Empirical Multi-Path Models (LTE) Supported Technologies -3G -LTE -Additional Support for WLAN Supported Technologies -3G -LTE -Additional Support for WLAN Antenna Feeding Network Automatic Feeding Network Planning and Link Budget Calculation Antenna Feeding Network Automatic Feeding Network Planning and Link Budget Calculation Automated Optimization and KPI Tuning Automatic Design and Optimization of Indoor Wireless Networks Automated Optimization and KPI Tuning Automatic Design and Optimization of Indoor Wireless Networks
Research/Projects: Android Applications
EMC 2 VodafoneCiscoEtisalatOrange GoogleIntel Industrial Partners/Collaborations
OMNET++VMWARE CISCO Packet Tracer ArduinoAndroid Edison BoardsLabview Tools/Platforms
Communications Engineering
Modern Communications Understanding 4G and 5G technologies and developments More research in medical and health application Wireless Sensor and RFID for more applications (e.g., Logistics and Car-2-Car) !!
Antenna Design A real science with daily used applications! Antenna Design starting from theory to practice
More Applications!
Communications Tracks Tracks
Yasser. G. Hegazy Communications Courses Math Physics Electromagnetics Signals Sending and Receiving Communication Systems Communications
Communications DigitalCommunications Digital Signal Processing CommunicationsElectronics RF, Waves & Antennas Networking Communications
Communications Projects Initial patch Size- reduced patch Wearable Antenna for Zigbee Indoor Localization
Communications Projects 5G Communication: SUDAS MIMO
Communications Projects Cellular Indoor Network Planning RiXoS Hotel (North Coast)
Good Luck