Designing a Grid Computing Architecture: A Case Study of Green Computing Implementation Using SAS® N.Krishnadas Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode Guide: Dr. R. Radhakrishna Pillai
Domains of Green IT the energy consumption associated with the computing resources and use them in an environmentally sound manner Green use: designing energy efficient components, servers and cooling equipment. Green design: step of implementing Green practices right at the manufacturing stage with minimal impact on environment. Green manufacturing: Deals with the issues of refurbishing and recycling old computers and electronic equipment Green Disposal of IT Systems:
Grid Computing Grid Computing was pioneered by Dr. Ian Foster and Dr. Carl Kesselman on the “Globus Project for Grid Computing” The basic concept lies in parallel / distributed processing and aims at: Reducing the overall elapsed processing time while leveraging existing hardware utilizing the unused computing resources (processing power) Two types of Grid: Compute Grid (Shown in Fig-1) and Utility Grid - Difference lies in Virtualization
Compute Grid using SAS
SAS/Connect and Grid Analytics, SAS Grid Computing provides the ability to scale business processes and accelerate decisions Competitive Advantage Compute-intensive programs can be allocated and managed to run in pieces across grid environments, enabling IT organizations to optimize hardware. Applications that generally have some tasks that repeat itself in every execution are most suitable for SAS Grid Computing SAS/Connect Advantage: It puts the capability at the intelligence architecture layer as part of the tools. Makes it available to be leveraged by both SAS programmer customer base as well as SAS solutions and vertical products developed internally by SAS.
Organization Under Study The IT setup at this institute comprises of a multi layered architecture- The lowest layer of which is made up of personal computers and workstation. Next layer consists of File servers and Database servers. The third layer consists of Web server, FTP server, server and other high-end servers/computers.
Utilizing the system resources efficiently: A pilot study Phase 1: Idle Time monitoring at Computer Center- Idle Time defined as inactivity for more than 30 seconds (no videos in CC, hence justified).
Phase-2: Execution of Application Executors/Grid Nodes: Systems that would be utilized for running grid application. Six Nodes were used for the study This study was further divided into two parts: First part aimed at simple system utilization with and without the usage of grid nodes. Next part involved variation of workload and the number of Grid nodes to find out the relation and optimum design for the architecture of Grid Setup
Comparison of Power and Time Adding more executors reduced the execution time. However, incremental impact of time reduction saturated over 6 executors. On the other hand, less executors utilized the power peak for a greater amount of time. It is necessary to find trade-off between power and time of execution and devote the no. of executors for grid computing. Devoting optimal systems for green computing is necessary to ensure sustainability in Green IT measures.
Future Directions As observed, execution time reaches a saturation after five-six nodes. The relationship needs to be mathematically be analyzed between grid nodes and execution time. The power analysis needs to be taken into account and thus trade-off should be established. It is important to incorporate Green IT in the entire business process rather than adopting technical fixtures. Extending the experiment further to 50 executors and greater loads to find out the optimal systems required for suggested measure. This would act as guidelines for any organization to setup a grid architecture.
IMK adheres to law, mostly vendor oriented. Regulatory Obligations: a) Use of liquid cooling b) For new servers- Use of high density servers c) Purchase of smart plug strips d) Shared data center initiatives with other IIMs e) Virtualization Data Centers: Cloud Computing IT Architecture: Current strategy is sound (replacement). Could look upon Adoption/expansion of life-cycle management strategies and look for products with design that is apt for recycling. E-Waste: Duplex printing missing. Printing: a) Life cycle management for procurement/supply b) Sourcing products/services through low carbon directory c) Procurement in data centers should keep into account the virtualization and consolidation aspects Green IT procurement: