Because of Winn Dixie Week 21 Day 1
Do you think Opal and Miss Franny will become friends?
Why do you think the author included the story at the beginning of the selection? The word invaluable means “priceless or of great use or help.” An honorary position is a position given to someone who has earned respect.
What information did you learn about dogs? Why would a dog want to sleep near its owner?
Authors usually organize story events in the order in which they occur. Keeping track of the sequence of plot events can help readers follow a story.
Miss Franny tells Opal that her father said she could have whatever she wanted for her birthday.
Miss Franny tells her father she wants a library.
Miss Franny’s father built her a house that became the library.
A person is prideful if he or she feels very satisfied because of something he or she has done. What is an example of a prideful statement?
If something consisted of several things, it was made up of those things. What does your favorite meal consist of?
When someone intends to do something, he or she plans to do it. What is something you intend to do this week?
When someone intends to do something, he or she plans to do it. What is something you intend to do this week?
if you snatched something, you grabbed it or pulled it away quickly. What might you say to a young child who snatched a toy away from another child?
When a person recalls something, he or she remembers it. What is something you recall from your early childhood?
A select group is one that is special and among the best of its kind. What makes the elected leaders of a community a select group?
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Many people enjoy spending time with their pets. Think about how animals can be good companions. Now, explain whether or not you feel an animal makes a good companion. Write your response in your Reading notebook, and be sure to include each section of the prompt.