Words and Phrases to Math Symbols U3D9 Words and Phrases to Math Symbols Essential Question: How do key words help us write expressions?
Addition Plus And Total of Altogether Increased by Combined In All Added to Increased by In All Make More Than Add Sum
Subtraction Subtract Gave Take Away Decreased By Fewer Minus Minus Fewer Than Less Than Difference Less Shared
Multiplication Times Triple Double Product Multiplied By OF Increased by a Factor Twice Multiple
Division Quotient of Divided By Divided Into Per Half Percent Ratio of Divisor Split Up
Equals Is Are Were Was Will Be Yields Sold For
Parenthesis Words The Quantity of Twice the sum of Times the sum of Times the difference of Plus the difference of
Example 1: Write the Phrase as an Expression 7 increased by a number ________ Negative 14 minus y __________ Negative 19 increased by n __________ The product of 14 and y ______ 10 divided by the sum of a number n and 6 __________ 6 times the quotient of a number x and 3 7 + x -14 - y -19 + n 14y 10_ n + 6 X 3 6
A number more than 7: ________ 7 less than a number: __________ 7 + n The Flipper: Special words that mean you flip the order of the variable (letter) and the number are: More Than Less Than A number more than 7: ________ 7 less than a number: __________ 7 + n 7 - n
Summary: Explain how key words help us write expressions?