Jacobus Kapteyn ( )
Until the Second World War Astronomy was an Optical Science: all observations were made with instruments working in the visible (with usually the eye as a detector). As a result of modern technology, this has changed enormously.
Gamma-Ray (CGRO) X-Ray (HEAO-1) Infrared (IRAS) Radio (various places) Visual (Lund)
X-rayUVVisual IR (IRAS) Radio (VLA)
X-rayVisible IR (ISO) Radio
Very few people in our field can still afford to work without the Internet. Astronomers are using it all the time for the following things: 1 Communication ( ) 2 To obtain all kinds of Software 3 To retrieve observational data from telescope archives (satellites and ground-based) 4 Teaching 5 Publish their preprints and papers 6 Read and obtain journals in astronomy 7 Run CPU-intensive work at computers elsewhere 8 Hear the most recent results 9 To obtain their observations from satellites and remote observing (service). 10 Etc.
Available at present: Satellites (HST, Chandra, IUE, IRAS, etc.) Ground-based telescopes - Survey Telescopes (2MASS, POSS, etc.) - General Observer Telescopes (ESO, La Palma, UKIRT, CFHT, JCMT, VLA) Object-oriented - Galaxies: NASA Extragalactic Database (NED); LEDA - Nearby Galaxies: Hypercat (specialised) - Stars: SIMBAD
Most Popular Journals (including back-issues until 19 th century): NASA ADS Electronic preprint server (ArXiv.org) Hubble Space Telescope publish relations service
Very often used: Data Reduction and Analysis: AIPS, ESO-MIDAS, IDL, IRAF, PROS, STARLINK, STSDAS Document Preparation: LaTeX, TeX Modelling: NEMO, CLOUDY, DUSTY, TINYTIM Subroutine Libraries: FITSIO, NAG, Numerical Recipes Math Routines: Maple, StatCodes Utilities:...
References: The electromagnetic spectrum: (at IPAC) Data Archives: Satellites: reachable through STScI ( ) ESO: La Palma: UKIRT: CFHT: at CADC ( together with a lot of Other archives VLA: Etc. Object oriented: Simbad (stars): LEDA (nearby galaxies): Hypercat (nearby galaxies):
References: Journals in Astronomy: all on NASA ADS ( ) This site has several mirrors across the world. Preprints: also with several mirrors Public Outreach: (very nice!) Software in Astronomy: a large amount of software can be found at the Linuxastro site: