1 1 World Resources Institute’s Global Forest Watch World Resources Institute’s Global Forest Watch
Responsible Procurement of Forest Products: A Practical Guide for Customers Collaboration between WRI and WBCSD Support private sector procurement policies Impartial, easy-to-understand advice Formulation process, tools to consider, glossary, links Expert and stakeholder review Ready December 2006 Collaboration between WRI and WBCSD Support private sector procurement policies Impartial, easy-to-understand advice Formulation process, tools to consider, glossary, links Expert and stakeholder review Ready December 2006
Forest Information Framework Providing accurate, up-to-date information With partners Identify data gaps Analysis and get it used in planning, law enforcement etc Forest info on forest-cover, concessions but also on Tax and financial information, Poverty, develop new remote sensing tools
GFW Russia - Support the certification process through independent monitoring - controlled wood designations - logging rate assessments - other support - Support a diverse debate on important forest issues - independent analysis by civil society - a multi-stakeholder forum for dialogue
WRI in Central-Africa Distributional equity in cooperation with Southeast Asia program. How much of the taxes are paid. Who benefits? Cameroon Atlas is now replicated in Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo DRC redesign of the forestry concessions now with participation
WRI in Southeast Asia In Indonesia Forest monitoring and Assessment System (FOMAS) process with the ministry of forestry concessions maps are being digitized (cooperation with WB and DFID) Distributional equity Expected t= 5 million US$ Received 2.5 million Expected t= 5 million US$ Received 2.5 million
South-America Footprint publication