Orientación Profesores Nueva Contratación On your marks, get ready... preparing your classes: key aspects Dr. Canny Bellido & Dr. Keith Wayland CEP
Agenda Reflecting on classroom routines What to do before the first day of class Aspects of long term learning and how to include them Preparation tools
Reflecting on our classroom routines What works well for us and what worries us
Pre-class Reflection What do I like about my class Classify the things as you wrote: "I" if you control it "Them" if the students control it "Other" if control is external Write down 3 things that you like about the class you will be teaching (choose only one class for this exercise)
Pre-class Reflection What worries me about my class Write one thing for each of the following classifications you control it (an “I”) : the students control it (a “Them”) control is external (an "Other") Write down 3 things that worry you about the class you will be teaching
Pair Up Tell your partner what you like about your course (1 minute each) Tell your partner what worries you about your course (1 minute each)
Share with everybody Share with everybody one interesting or surprising thing that your partner likes Share with the everybody one interesting or surprising thing that concerns (worries) your partner
Who controls what in the class? I (Professor) They (Students) Others (External)
Teacher Self Efficacy Theory Why is this so important? Because it has been found that that a teacher’s or professor’s sense of self efficacy determines his or her choices of action and impact on student performance “Judgment of his or her capabilities to bring about desired outcomes of student engagement and learning, even among those students who may be difficult or unmotivated.” Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk Hoy, and Hoy (1998)
What do you do to prepare for the first day of class? Form groups of 4 for a "Round Robin" Without talking: Circulate a list, each person add one prep item to the list and pass it to the next person until no one in the group has a prep item to add After completing the list, discuss all the items. If additional items come out during the discussion, please add them to the group’s list.
Share Share with everyone one item on your group’s list that (try not to repeat an item already mentioned)
Before the first day of class Be sure to sign your Contract, Semester Schedule (Programa de Trabajo), Proposal for Personnel Action (PAP) Find or make the syllabus (prontuario) for each of the courses you will be teaching This provides guidance and structure for both the professor and the student It is a contract between the professor and the students Follow what Dra. B. Delgado told you about making or changing a syllabus based on Certification #130, refer to the CEP website:
Before the first day of class Go to "mi portal" & "faculty"mi portal Click the course icon Download your class lists Familiarize yourself with the options available to put material online for your students: Those offered by your department (check the CEP calendar for moodle workshop dates and times) Others that you find (free web pages like googlesites or weebly) It is also a good idea to explore the free web pages and audiovisual materials offered by your textbook publishing company (McGraw - Hill, Person, etc.)
Before the first day of class Know you audience Your students’ preparation Their academic concentration Their year of study Know what resources you will need and ask for them on time Textbooks Manuals Computer labs Audiovisual Resources
Before the first day of class Go to your assigned classroom to find out where it is, what is there, and how it is arranged. Keys required, lights, electrical connections, a/c, how the chairs and desks are arranged Blackboards (¿Chalk or markers? BYO) or Smartboards Projectors & computers (¿does the room have them or do you need to take them? Passwords, technician or custodian, software, internet?)
Things that impact learning and we need to consider preparing for class What Neuroscience tells us about Learning Mindset: ours and our students Active learning techniques and evaluation Creating learning communities 5/que-es-lo-que-hacen-los-buenos.html
What Neuroscience tells us about Learning 1)The importance of activating prior knowledge to connect to new learning 2)The essential role of different knowledge types in conceptual frameworks for understanding. Differences between experts and novices. 3)The learning value of metacognition and self- monitoring
"Mindset" feature=youtube_gdata_player Check the CEP calendar for the workshop on how to Stimulate a "Growth Mindset" in our students and in ourselves.
Strategies for incorporating Neuroscience Principle or findingClass Strategies 1) Previous knowledge key video or image poll or focus list graphic organizer 2) Learning types and the differences between experts and novices visual & verbal instructions examples & non examples hands-on & feedback 3) Metacognition and self- monitoring muddiest or clearest point exit ticket concept or skill check list
Active Learning Techniques Modeled Activating previous knowledge Think - pair - share Round Robin Variety of presentation media