Welcome Back…Webinar Style! ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Introductions of the host and facilitator Who’s present? Who’s ready to go? Speakers working? Microphone? Check out the “mute” webinar tool & make sure you are muted. When you’re called on, unmute yourself, introduce yourself, and re-mute. Ready, Set, Go-To!
Meeting TWO Agenda & Webinar Tools Warm-up: TIF categories > Quiz Ideal ACES Practitioner > Chat Sharing Outside Task #1: 3 volunteers? Video: Evidence of Student Learning Open new tab; Access video Return to webinar in 15 minutes Partner Chat Share out Take your TIF Temperature! Poll Sharing Outside Task #2: 3 volunteers? TIF-ing the Classroom TIF-ing Methods Examples Outside Tasks Preview Wrap-up & Q & A 3 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Warm-up: Name that TIF Category! It’s a quiz! Match each activity example to one of the TIF categories… Effective Communication Self-Management Critical Thinking 4 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Who is the ideal ACES practitioner? The ideal ACES practitioner knows about… knows how to… is committed to… Read the compiled notes. Do you have anything to add? Insights? Comments? Raise your hand… 5 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Outside Task #1 - Sharing Briefly share your observations about your student. Which skills did you see him/her demonstrate? Which skills from your TIF category will he/she need to develop further? How can you provide this practice? Transitions Integration Framework 6 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
How do you know it’s working? Evidence of Student Learning is the observable student demonstration of skill and knowledge development For example: a student completes a Venn Diagram comparing current technology with that of the early 1900s. You have ‘evidence’ that the student knows about technology in both eras and understands how to compare and contrast. 7 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Finding Evidence of Student Learning ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Open a new tab in your web browser. Access the video: Link: Watch the first 12 to 13 minutes of the video. Note evidence of student learning on the grid (handout p. 21) as well as what you observe that is NOT evidence. Return to the webinar in 15 minutes Be prepared to chat with your PLC Partner about your observations.
Chat with your PLC Partner… ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September What ‘evidence’ can you use to evaluate your TIF-ed lessons? What are ways to improve our evaluation of TIF-ed lessons by using student evidence? Share with the larger group What evidence of student learning did you observe in the video? What did you observe that was NOT evidence of student learning? Share out with the Group…
Taking our TIF Temperature! How did your TIF-ed lesson go? Totally hot! Got hotter than I thought! Not so hot… Needed my parka… 10 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
TIF-ed Lesson: Try it Out! – Outside Task #2 Briefly share your TIF-ed Lesson experience. Identify your category and give a brief description of your lesson, including the TIF skills you addressed. What was the highlight of the lesson? What ‘evidence’ of student learning did you observe? 11 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
TIF-ing the Classroom! What are some ways that TIF skills can be integrated into an instructional setting regardless of lesson content? 12 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
TIF-ing the Classroom: Definitions of TIF-ing Methods Routines: a sequence of actions regularly followed; a routine process Norms: standards of acceptable behavior; expectations within a specified context Learning Task Formats: routine structures for activities and tasks that provide practice of lesson content Language: vocabulary and language structures that are necessary to effectively address a specified TIF skill Technology: technology use that mirrors what is necessary in the “target” environment. 13 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Which TIF-ing method is which? TIF-ing methods can be labeled in more than one way: Expecting students to assignments is both technology and a norm. Expecting students to speak courteously is a norm but when you highlight the language structures (e.g. Could/can/may I…), it is also a language method. The important thing is that all of these methods reinforce TIF skills consistently and authentically regardless of lesson content. 14 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
TIF-ing the Classroom: Examples Which TIF skills does it address from your category? How could you complement it with additional skills? Is this a routine, norm, learning task format, technology, or language?? 15 What example of your own could you share? ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014 Look at each example. Consider the following Qs and take notes on handout p. 24.
ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Example: Time Cards: Create individual timecards for learners. You may choose to alphabetize them in a card file or accordion file. For each date, learners will write in the TIME they enter the class (you can take this opportunity to work on rounding to the nearest 15 minutes) and when they exit. When learners enter late or leave early, take the time to pause your lesson to remind them to sign in or out on their time card (until the procedure becomes automatic). Later, these time cards can be used to add up attendance hours for math lessons, for “pay checks”, and to compare to student hours in the database. Which TIF method is it? Routine!!
ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Example: Teamwork Working with a team is an important part of education and the workplace. In this class, you will often be required to work in a team. It is important that you take responsibility for your role in the team and complete the tasks you agree to do. It is also important to participate in the group discussions, giving your input in a positive and constructive way. Which TIF method is it? Norm!!
ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Example: Tracking Test Scores: Students will create a chart on excel. After students take a test, they will record their scores on the chart. Students can set a goal for their next test score and write it on the chart. After recording their subsequent test score, they can check to see if they met their goal and reflect on ways they could meet it if they did not or set a new goal if they did meet it. Once several scores for a particular test are recorded, students can graph their scores using the excel graphing function. Students can analyze this data, calculating increases and decreases and reflecting on how other factors (such as attendance and time spent on homework) impacted or may impact their results. Students can set new goals for scores and study habits based on this analysis.. Which TIF method is it? Technology!! & ?
ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Example: Using Polite Language and Tone It is an expectation in this class that we treat each other with respect and courtesy. One way to show respect is to make requests using polite language and tone. When you need help or simply want to get clarification, using the following phrases is the courteous way to achieve this: Which TIF method is it? Language!! & ? I would like... --Instead of -- I want/need… Could you…/Can you… --Instead of -- Give me… Could I…/May I… --Instead of -- I’m going to…
ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Which TIF method is it? Learning Task Format!! QuestionsChoices Example: What is your goal after getting your GED? Vocational training 2-year degree 4-year degree Certificate program / / / / / / / / / / / / Class Survey QuestionsChoices Note: As a class create 3 questions and 4 options to go with each and fill in the survey template. Example: Survey Template-Oral Ask your classmates the questions. Put a tally (/) in the correct box.
Coming up!! Outside Task #3/PLC 3: TIF- ing The Classroom Using the matching activity and our discussion, consider which TIF-ing method you can integrate into your setting and which TIF skill(s) it addresses. Implement one TIF-method into your classroom before meeting 3 Evaluate how it’s going by gathering ‘student evidence.’ Share your experience with your PLC Partner! OR Add notes to our Google Doc! 21 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Outside Task #3: TIF-ing The Classroom ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September TIF-ing Method Description Assess (Category, skill, sub skill) Complement (Category, skill, sub skill) Evaluate (Student evidence) Study & Reflect TIF-ing The Classroom: Try it Out! 1.Describe TIF methods (routine, norm, learning task format, technology, or language) you can integrate into your setting. 2.Implement one method into your classroom before PLC meeting #3. 3.Assess the method to identify the TIF skills from your category included. 4.Complement the method by adding elements that address additional TIF skills from your category. 5.Evaluate how it’s going by gathering ‘student evidence’ 6.Study and reflect about what else your students need and what you need. 7.Share your TIF method with your PLC Partner or on our Google Doc.
Coming up!! Outside Task #4/PLC 3: TIF- ed Lesson: Try it Out 2! Revisit the ACES Process. “TIF” another lesson or materials of your choice, focusing on your one TIF category. Try this “TIF-ed” lesson out with learners. Evaluate how it went. Before Mtg 3, share it with your PLC Partner OR add notes to our Google Doc 23 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Outside Task #4: TIF-ed Lesson: Try it Out 2! ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Lesson Materials/ Components Assess (Category, skill, sub skill) Complement (Category, skill, sub skill) Evaluate (Student evidence) Study & Reflect 1.“TIF” another lesson or materials of your choice, focusing on your one TIF category. 2.Try this “TIF-ed” lesson with your learners. 3.Assess the lesson to identify which TIF skills from your category are addressed. 4.Complement the lesson by adding additional TIF skills from your category. 5.Evaluate the outcomes of the lesson by gathering ‘student evidence’. 6.Study and reflect about what else your students need as well as what you need. 7.Share your lesson implementation and notes with your PLC on Google docs or with your PLC Partner via , phone, or face-to-face.
Coming up!! Outside Task #5/PLC 3: Lesson Observation through TIF Lens Apply the ACES process to an observation of a colleague’s lesson or a lesson video. Note the TIF skills and sub- skills it includes (particularly from your category of focus). Consider ways to “TIF” the lesson you observed. Be prepared to share during Mtg Videos to observe in lieu of a peer: ESL: g-videos g-videos ABE: ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Outside Task #5: TIF-Lens Lesson Observation ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Lesson Materials/ Components Assess (Category, skill, sub skill) Complement (Category, skill, sub skill) Evaluate (Student evidence) Study & Reflect 1.Observe a colleague’s lesson or video-taped lesson using your TIF Lens ESL: (Choose one) ABE: 2.Write out a brief description of the lesson plan or teaching material components 3.Assess the lesson to identify which TIF skills from your category are addressed. 4.Complement the lesson by adding additional TIF skills from your category. 5.Evaluate the outcomes of the lesson by gathering ‘student evidence’. 6.Study and reflect about what else the students need. 7.Be ready to share your observation at PLC Meeting THREE!
Complete TIF Preview Activity Link: ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September Before our next PLC meeting, take a look at your category within the complete TIF. Effective Communication: pp Critical Thinking: pp Self-Management: pp Share with your PLC Partner or add notes to our Google Doc. Transitions Integration Framework
The Complete TIF Navigate the complete TIF to find sample activities for the sub-skills in your category of focus. Choose 2 sample activities that interest you (1 must be a technology ex.). How would you tweak it for your level and context? Write notes on handout p.28 Share w/ PLC Partner or on Google Doc. Then share out sample activity “finds” with the large group in PLC Mtg 3. Transitions Integration Framework 28 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014
Effective Communication (EC): Effective communication is a two-way process between individuals of diverse backgrounds and experience in which information is conveyed and received in ways that are mutually understood as intended. This can include speaking, writing, and all forms of nonverbal communication. Examples of activities in this category could include adjusting communication to suit various audiences, questioning to clarify meaning and to enhance understanding, or articulating differences and appreciating how differences can affect communication. Teaching the skills in this category will help the learner give and receive information in a purposeful, appropriate, and collaborative manner. Skill 1: SWBAT…Engage positively and actively with individuals in both one-on-one and team settings to accomplish goals Sub Skills:a.Seek and offer clarification (clarifying questions, paraphrasing, restating)appropriately in spoken and written communications b.Repair communication breakdowns respectfully and effectively c.Acknowledge and affirm others (regardless of culture, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation) and their contributions d.Express expectations and acknowledge an understanding or acceptance of the expectations of others e.Participate, make contributions, and encourage the contributions of others in order to accomplish the shared goal of a team f.Employ effective strategies for resolving conflict EC: Skill 1-Sub Skill a: Seek and offer clarification (clarifying questions, paraphrasing, restating) appropriately in spoken and written communications Complexity Sample Activities Role play basic scenarios* using rote phrases, posted in the classroom to request clarification (e.g., Excuse me? Can you repeat that?) and provide basic clarification as requested (e.g., I said… I meant…). Role play scenarios* utilizing a variety of phrases, created by students and posted in the classroom, to request and offer clarification as requested. Discuss situations* in which asking for clarification is crucial. Discuss possible consequences that may result for not getting clarification. Write two contrasting scenarios; one with consequences for not requesting clarification, the other with better results after requesting clarification. Technology Activities: Record phrases to request clarification (e.g., Excuse me? Can you repeat that?) using technology (e.g., iPad,, audacity). Listen to the phrases and evaluate accuracy and pronunciation (needs work, so-so, good). Record scenarios to request and offer clarification using technology (e.g., iPad,, audacity). Listen to the scenarios and evaluate accuracy and pronunciation (needs improvement, so-so, good, excellent). Use or online inquiry form to request clarification or to respond to requests for clarification regarding contextualized topics.* Contexts Community * Grocery store, bank* Grocery store, library, bus stop* Banking information, billing issues School *Classroom * Questions regarding homework Work *Workplace * Paycheck error, clarifying instructions 29 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014 For example…
What did you find? ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September TIF Category: Effective Communication TIF Skill/Sub SkillLevelActivity DescriptionHow will you tweak it? Skill 1aBeg. Request clarification using rote phrases such as “Can you repeat that?” I will create a poster w/ examples of requests for clarification. I will refer Ss to this poster as needed. Choose at least TWO sample activities you could try with your students. Make sure at least one of them is a TECHNOLOGY example. Fill out the grid below with your choices and tweaks. Be prepared to share in Meeting #3. How might you use this with your students? How could this activity work in your context?
ACES in ACTION Plan! Outside Task #5: TIF-ed Lesson Implementation Do by: Mon. Nov. 17 Preview: Complete TIF Do by: Wed. Nov. 19 Share by: Thurs. Nov ACES PLC, ATLAS, September 2015 Outside Task #3: TIF-ing the Classroom Do by: Fri. Nov. 7 Share by: Mon. Nov. 10 Outside Task #4: TIF-ed Lesson Implementation Do by: Wed. Nov. 12 Share by: Fri. Nov. 14 Outside Tasks for Mtg. 3 Date: Fri. Nov. 21, 1:30-3:30 PM
Wrap-Up & Q & A Questions? Comments? 32 ACES Hybrid PLC, ATLAS, September 2014 THANK YOU!!!