Did the People of France Benefit From Napoleon
Better Quality of Life In many ways life got better under Napoleon -Abolished the inherited privileges of aristocrats -Made peace between the state and the Catholic Church -Encouraged religious tolerance -Kept food prices low (no hangry mobs)
Manipulating the System He wanted to make France look like a legitimate democracy -Used plebiscites yet he would manipulate the results EXAMPLE He administered a national plebiscite to decide if he was going to be First Consul for life -Got 100% support and negative votes were rejected
Money Money Money!!! MONEY! Taxes Protecting the Economy Napoleon centralized the government which made it easier to collect taxes Taxes were needed to fund the many wars and invest in industry Protected the French economy by placing high tariffs on imported goods Founded the Bank of France New currency included a gold coin called the napoleon
Building a Collection Napoleon filled French museums with art and treasures often stolen from conquered countries In Italy, the French stole everything they could -Paintings, jewelry, and valuables from ancient tombs -treasure paid for the army -Many pieces kept for personal use
Education Reform Reformed education in France -primary, secondary, and technical schools -Scholarships awarded to deserving students -Parents must send kids to school by law- mandatory! First steps towards public education
French Legal System Before Napoleon, French law was complicated and old fashioned Some changes under the revolution No unified code, as different regions had different laws
Civil vs Criminal Law CivilCriminal Civil law deals with the disputes between individuals, organizations, or between the two, in which compensation is awarded to the victim. a problem concerning an inheritance, a problem involving a contract, or a family problem, such as divorce or custody of children. Criminal law is the body of law that deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses. assault, murder, sexual assault, and identity theft.
The Napoleonic Code: A New Civil Code Guaranteed the right of equality under the law, the right to hold property, freedom of religion, and freedom to pursue work of one’s choice
Equality for Some Did not apply to everyone as Napoleon promoted men’s full authority over women Women lost some rights won in the revolution -Married women required husband's permission to buy a house
Silencing the Masses Napoleon controlled the education system, the media, and the legal system in order to make society what he wanted -Children learned about Napoleon and how great he was (brainwashing) Secret police force could arrest and detain anyone for any reason Used censorship to control what newspapers wrote