Issues in Teaching EDU Session 1 The Conceptual Understanding of What You are Teaching
Maryland State Professional Development Standard 1a. Professional development includes learning experiences and resources to ensure that teachers understand how the subject(s) they teach addresses the Maryland content standards and the relationships between the subjects they teach and other subjects in the curriculum.
EDU 588: Issues in Teaching Course description EDU 588 Issues in Teaching, extends conceptual understandings of best practices in learning and instruction for Cecil County Public School teachers. Emphasis is placed on instructional decisions based on the Big Four (content planning, instructional strategies, classroom management, and assessment) quality tools and processes, differentiated instruction and related responsibilities central to creating a student-centered learning community. Participants interact with peers and academic faculty during weekly face-to-face sessions. Learners are asked to analyze their own teaching practices over time through video reflection, respond to electronic discussion questions and complete a final product. This course is offered to all second and third year Cecil County Public School teachers.
F2F Course Norms R educe side chatter I nvolve yourself in the process G ive your thoughts and ideas O pen your mind to how you can change your instruction R emember to silence your electronic devices Concept #11: Well-established expectations and the consistent implementation and reinforcement of those expectations leads to an emotionally and psychologically safe learning environment.
Class Building: 2 Facts and a Fib Concept #9: Student engagement is embedded within each area of The Big Four.
Class Mission Developing a group mission to focus our time together using Mix-Pair-Share and Round Robin. Why are we here? What do we value as a class? What do we have to do well together? What are our goals as a class? How will we know we have accomplished it? How are we going to reach our goals? Concept #10: Creating class mission and vision statements help students become invested in their own learning and promote a learning community.
Class Mission Our goal is to become more effective teachers through collaboration, communication, and investing ourselves to learn new instructional strategies across content levels. We will know that we have achieved our goal by observing student growth.
Initial Assignments Wiki Invitation Read Netiquette Read about L to J Complete Big Four Survey Video Footage
Online Norms Access to course wiki Netiquette
Quiz 1 Concept #26: A process of core concepts and regular quizzes that helps eliminate the permission to forget is L to J.
5. related responsibilities 3. the rhythm of differentiated instruction 2. quality tools and processes 1.the Big Four and instructional decisions developing the skills and knowledge to be able to effectively plan for and deliver quality classroom instruction NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULEUNIT MAP Explain the connections between and among The Big Four and the instructional decisions that effect student achievement. 2.Given all of the components of effective planning, what tools and processes would you use to ensure highly effective instruction? 3.Explain the rhythm of differentiated instruction and how it relates to each area of The Big Four. 4.What strategies can you incorporate to move your classroom from a teacher-directed atmosphere to a student-centered learning community? 5.How will your plan for professional development impact your instruction? synthesis analysis explanation evaluation by connecting by applying by creating while attending to CCPS Teacher Induction Year 3 Year 1 Conceptual Planning Monitoring Learning No Class Professional Development Differentiated Instruction by utilizing Data Analysis Synthesizing New Teacher Induction 4. a student- centered learning community Year 2 Conceptual Planning Differentiated Instruction A Student Centered Classroom Related Responsibilities 9/22 9/29 10/6 10/13 10/20 10/27 11/10 11/3 11/17 12/1 12/8 11/24 Thanksgiving Concept #25: Unit Organizer, FRAME, Concept Comparison Concept Anchoring and Concept Mastery Routines are examples of Content Enhancement Routines designed to help students make connections and understand the concepts in more depth.
How do I identify my course concepts based on what I have been given? Concept #8: The Big Four: Classroom Management, Content Planning, Instructional Strategies and Assessment for and of Learning encompass best teaching practices. Concept #17: Content Planning currently begins with objectives from the Maryland State Curriculum and is transitioning towards the Common Core Standards.
Conceptual Planning “I Do” Analyze given content indicators Group them into logical categories Determine major concepts based on categories Develop an “is about” statement Identify assessed indicators Concept #6: Concept Based Instruction is strategic instruction encouraging students to fully understand relationships between factual and conceptual levels of thinking critical to intellectual development.
Conceptual Planning “We Do” Analyze given content indicators Group them into logical categories Determine major concepts based on categories Develop an “is about” statement Identify assessed indicators Concept #6: Concept Based Instruction is strategic instruction encouraging students to fully understand relationships between factual and conceptual levels of thinking critical to intellectual development.
Assignment for the Week Select one of the best practices listed below that was used in today’s session. In a discussion response, explain how you implement or could implement that practice into your classroom. Mission Writing Class Builder L to J I Do, We Do, You Do Unit Organizer In preparation for next session: Watch KUDos podcast Read about Learning Structures
5. related responsibilities 3. the rhythm of differentiated instruction 2. quality tools and processes 1.the Big Four and instructional decisions developing the skills and knowledge to be able to effectively plan for and deliver quality classroom instruction NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULEUNIT MAP Explain the connections between and among The Big Four and the instructional decisions that effect student achievement. 2.Given all of the components of effective planning, what tools and processes would you use to ensure highly effective instruction? 3.Explain the rhythm of differentiated instruction and how it relates to each area of The Big Four. 4.What strategies can you incorporate to move your classroom from a teacher-directed atmosphere to a student-centered learning community? 5.How will your plan for professional development impact your instruction? synthesis analysis explanation evaluation by connecting by applying by creating while attending to CCPS Teacher Induction Year 3 Year 1 I Can Do It Workshop Elementary LA in CCPS GALAs Half Day Monthly Meetings County-Based School-Based Coaching by utilizing August PD Induction Course 4. a student- centered learning community Year 2 Concept #25: Unit Organizer, FRAME, Concept Comparison Concept Anchoring and Concept Mastery Routines are examples of Content Enhancement Routines designed to help students make connections and understand the concepts in more depth.
Maryland State Professional Development Standard 1a. Professional development includes learning experiences and resources to ensure that teachers understand how the subject(s) they teach addresses the Maryland content standards and the relationships between the subjects they teach and other subjects in the curriculum.