Bell Ringer Define Nationalism and how is it important today?
Bell Ringer What was the Era of Good Feelings? What was Henry Clay’s American System and what impact do you think this has? What was Henry Clay’s American System and what impact do you think this has?
The Era of Nationalism
The Era of Good Feelings Life after the War of 1812 was good Demo-Republicans had dominated with the down fall of the Federalists America was going through a period of great NATIONALISM –An intense loyalty to the interests of one’s own nation.
The American System: How the U.S. Would Prosper Henry Clay’s vision 1.Est. a protective tariff 2.Est. a national bank 3.Improve the country’s transportation system
Roads and Canals Made travel between states and cities easier Increased western settlement & trade Unified the growing nation United the upper Ohio River Valley and Great Lakes Region Helped New York become the nation’s largest city
The Industrial Revolution Groups 1 and 7: Cotton Gin Groups 2 and 8: Steamboat Groups 3 and 9: Railroads Groups 4 and 10: Steal Plow/Reaper Groups 5 and 11: Cotton Mill Groups 6 and 12: Electric Telegraph
By the end of class… You will turn in – All 2 or 3 research worksheets 1 poster prep worksheet All stapled together!!!
Exit Ticket What is your invention? Who invented it? What impact does your invention have?
Bell Ringer What were some major events that occurred during Monroe’s presidency? Describe 2 of these events.
Supreme Court Decisions John Marshall Strengthened the federal gov. by ruling that states could not interfere w/federal laws. Federal gov. was the only power in regulating interstate commerce.
After the War of 1812, the British gave U.S. new northern territory –Minn. & Mich. As eventual states Andrew Jackson took the forts held in Florida by Spain during the Seminole War, the US realized how weak the Spanish control there was. Florida was purchased from Spain –American’s would start settling there U.S. border would now extend to the Pacific 49 th Parallel = boundary of U.S. and Canada Oregon would still be disputed by three countries –US/ Britain / Russia –The Fur Trade would be pursued Adams-Onis Treaty
Missouri Compromise North Wanted: slavery banned in Missouri –This was to keep the slaves states from out numbering the free South Wanted: slavery in Missouri –Didn’t believe Congress had the right to ban slavery
Missouri Compromise Compromise stated= 1- Missouri added as a slave state 2- Maine added as a free state 3- Slavery banned in the LA. Territory north of the 36 th parallel * Solved the regional balance problem until the 1850’s
The Monroe Doctrine The World Problems: Latin America’s independence Threats from Europe to regain colonies in the Western Hemisphere Russian influence in Oregon Territory The US needed to take a stand.
Monroe Doctrine In 1823, the 5 th President James Monroe, turned to John Quincy Adams, for that strong statement. 1)The Western Hemisphere was closed to colonization 2)U.S. would stay completely out of foreign affairs. * Proved that the U.S. was a world power