I. Earthquakes: vibrations of the earth’s crust that is caused by the shifting of lithospheric plates
A. Stress builds up along a fault until it becomes so great that the plates suddenly grind past each other… EARTHQUAKE!!!
B. Magnitude: measures the amplitude of an earthquake’s wave 1. measured on the Richter scale a. 7 or above will cause widespread damage
a. The richter scale is a logarithmic scale: an increase of one point on the scale represents a factor of 10 of the waves amplitude
b. The difference between earthquakes with a magnitudes of 6 and 7 on the richter scale is only one, but the difference in the wave’s amplitude is 10x bigger
C. Mercalli Scale: measures the intensity of an earthquake or how strong it felt in a given location 1. subjective/opinionated 2. Roman Numerals I-XII
II. Types of faults A. Fault: Break in rock where rocks on either side of the break move
1. San Andreas fault: caused by the Pacific plate sliding north along the North American Plate
2. 3 types of faults a. Normal fault: hanging wall moves down relative to the foot wall
b. Reverse fault: opposite of normal fault; hanging wall moves up relative to foot wall (thrust fault: reverse fault at low angle)
c. Strike-slip fault: rock on either side of fault slides horizontally
Focus: Area along a fault at which slippage first occurs, initiating an earthquake
Epicenter: Point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake