The UIS initiative on Information and Technologies in Education Statistics development
Why this process ? : policy dilemma and measurement gaps Conventional ‘face-to-face’ education delivery model alone will never help to meet the international educational Goals of MDGs, or EFA, by 2015: lack of universal, inclusive access to education and educational rescources; lack of universal, inclusive access to education and educational rescources; poor quality of education including increasing irrelevance of skills supply by the traditional education delivery system in the knowledge society. poor quality of education including increasing irrelevance of skills supply by the traditional education delivery system in the knowledge society. poor management and monitoring of the education system poor management and monitoring of the education system Yet, very few, elusive, or inconclusive measurable evidence on ICTs impact on learning while investment in ICTs are relatively costly especially for developing countries facing the greatest educational challenges…
An overview of of UIS achievements Initial core set of 9 ICT4E indicators at the WSIS in Tunisia (Nov. 2005) on the basis of commonalities across various international initiatives and of a review of major international surveysmajor international surveys Regional consultations between : Bangkok (26-28 July 2006), Panama (22-24 November 2006), Cairo (13-15 February 2007), Addis Ababa (3-7 December 2007) Scoping survey on availability of ICT4E data in all countries 2006/2007 Proposal of an initial core set of ICT4E indicators in the global core ICT4D list at the UN Statistical Commission at its 40th Session, February 2009 Active partnership to minimize potential inter-agency duplication (Busan, July 09) Setup the international Working Group on ICT Statistics in Education (WISE) of 25 pilot countries to validate the guidebook and test the survey instruments (Rabat, May 09, Montevideo, Dec 09) Publication of an ICT4E indicators guidebook and survey materials
Supplementary questionnaire: ICT facilities and Infrastructure Pilot version
Questionnaire on statistics of educational finance and expenditure
Questionnaire on statistics of education Pre-primary, primary, secondary and post- secondary non-tertiary education
Questionnaire on statistics of tertiary education
Objectives To construct a system of indicators that account for the real magnitude of the situation and the quality of the attention to children and youth with special education needs in Latin America To provide a framework that contribute to the monitoring of the Education for All program and PRELAC – Regional Education Project for Latin America and the Caribbean. To produce information about SEN that support the process of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation that contributes to the equitable distribution of the resources
Why the Project? Scarce information about pupils with Special Education Needs There is a general agreement that an important percentage of the population excluded from the educational system corresponds to population in condition of vulnerability, with or without disability. Difficulty of comparability among countries, due to different definitions of SNE and its categories The statistics reproduces mechanisms and obstacles of the Educational Systems. Data on SNE turned out to be traditionally postponed in the systems of information, not only for his scarce number but also for the subsystem complexity and diversity.
Project Participants UNESCO/OREALC, Inclusive Education Sector UNESCO/OREALC, Regional Information System, SIRI Departments of Education of the LA countries: areas of Statistics, Special Education and Basic Education Government of Spain: technical and financial assistance Countries involved in the model definition and validation: Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Dominican Republic
Working Plan THE FIRST PHASE (August, March, 2008) Systematization of information available on SEN in the region Definitions on SEN, special education and support mechanisms Statistical information and its characteristics Identification of the relevant information for policy making and resources assignation.
Working Plan (ii) Adoption of the conceptual frame Definition of the analytical model Scope of the system Construction of a glossary of terms for the production of the information Definition of the dimensions, components, indicators and variables Identification of the instruments of compilation
Working Plan (iii) THE SECOND PHASE (April – December, 2008) Model validation Meeting with experts Field work in five countries Study on the comparability of the information among countries Adjustment of the proposal Publication (Spanish) ( Publication (Spanish) ( SIRNEE – Special Education Needs Information System Proposal. Countries Consultation Results on SIRNEE Proposal
Working Plan (iv) THE THIRD PHASE (April – December, 2009) SIRNEE Local validation (Survey in 10 schools, in 2 countries – Argentina and Guatemala). Countries Focal Points Meeting in Santiago (Dec 09) New adjustment of the proposal (Mar 2010)