Silicon Photomultiplier development for astroparticle physics applications H. Miyamoto, M. Teshima, B. Dolgoshein, R. Mirzoyan, J. Ninkovic Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Contents SiPM (G-APD, MPPC, etc…) Toward the application to astroparticle physics (UV sensitivity, PDE, and so on..) Recent “UV” SiPM status for our experiments Measurements and preliminary results Summary & Outlook Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
SiPM/G-APD/MPPC SiPM for TESLA By Dolgoshein et al. MEPhI SPE measurement Gain ~106 Ubias = 30~70 P=50μW/mm2 Npixel 400~14400 Insensitive to Magnetic field High Photon Detection Efficiency PDE = Fill factor x QE x Geiger eff. SiPM for TESLA By Dolgoshein et al. MEPhI Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Toward the application of SiPM to astroparticle physics experiments PDE for UV region (Cherenkov, Fluorescence) is essential Temperature dependence Gain : breakdown voltage, over voltage Dark rate Fluorescence Chrenkov 337.1 Peak : 320nm~340nm @ Ze0 (Depens on Ze) 357.7 315.9 391.4 Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
UV sensitive SiPMs (for our measurement) Hamamatsu (MPPC) 3x3 mm2, 4x4 array MPI-HLL (SiMPL) 3x3mm2 MPI-MEPhI (Dolgoshein SiPM) Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik 3x3mm2
Hamamatsu MPPC array UV sensitive Commercial product device. 3x3 mm2: 4x4 16ch array!! UV sensitive Commercial product device. Hamamatsu : Very large area 4x4 16ch array of 3x3mm2 had been developed! 256ch array prototype camera testing on a telescope is on going! Very large area module! Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
UV sensitive Dolgoshein SiPM Clean entrance window with using Ultra pure Si & High energy implantation technique! -> High PDE, Low Dark Rate expected!! •PDE up to ~55%!! (65%~70% in the future) •Optical crosstalk suppression!! 3x3mm2 Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik E.N.F.(=Excess Noise Factor) = 1.6 -> 0.97±0.05
SiMPL (MPI-HLL) Details are in J. Ninkovic’s talk in this conference! HLL-MPI : SIMPL (Bulk resistor type SiPM) • Wafer is ready and tested. Less Optical Crosstalk • PDE~50% @ UV region even without antireflective coating! -> PDE ~61% with antireflective coating in next batch!! 30x30 arrays 10x10 arrays 6mm Fill factor 75% 150μm pitch 20μm isolation gap Transmittance 90% Geiger Efficiency 90% Total PDE ~61% Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Thermostatic Chamber@ -5C PDE measurement Setup Power Supplies 69.4V 39.3V -1150V 1.2V Func.Gen. @ 2kHz DC/DC converter Thermostatic Chamber@ -5C UV Diffuser Sync. Sig. UV fiber optics 1mm2 core Detectors SBA-PMT UBA-MAPMT Dolgoshein SiPM MPPC Preamp LED Preamp 310nm ~ 450nm DAQ RC circuit (Differenciator) 4ch Digital Oscilloscope Ch1 Preamp Ch2 Ext. Trigg. Ch3 Ch4 Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik Preamp
Setup LED (310 nm ~ 450nm) Agilent Function generator (33250A @ 2kHz) UV Tunable Laser (328nm @ 2kHz, full wavelength -> future work) •Edmund Optics UV transparent fiber optics (0.22NA, 1mm core) •UV Fused Silica diffuser •Digital Oscilloscope (LeCroy WavePro 7300A 3GHz Dual 20GS/s) •Temperature Box with Ar gas @ -5C Hamamtsu R8900U-08-M36-MOD 1 inch 36ch UBA MAPMT (with 3mm x 3mm slit) Hamamtsu R10408-MODULE 1 inch, SBA PMT (Calibrated) (with 3mm x 3mm slit) Hamamtsu MPPC 3x3mm2, 100U Dolgoshein SiPM 3x3mm2, 100U Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Analysis : Counting method ex. MAPMT histogram Pedestal 1PE peak Pedestal PE # calculate with Counting : # of scaled pedestal events Using possibility of Poissonian P(λ>0)=-ln(Nped/Nall) Signal After subtraction Pedestal (scaled) Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
UV sensitive SiPMs PDE measurement (@-5C) Photon Detection Efficiency D-SiPM MPPC UBA-MAPMT Preliminary!! Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Temperature Dependence of SiPM/MPPC Gain By Hamamatsu Catalogue 3%~5%/deg @ constant bias voltage Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Circuit design V={(Rc•Rt)/(Rc+Rt)} x(V0/Rt - Isi) (thermistor) Ra Isi~4x10-7A V Rc 50Ω MPPC array Thermistor : Resistance of thermistor at temperature of T[K] : R = R0*exp{B(1/T-1/T0)} B : (B value) R0: resistance of thermistor @ temperature of T0[K] Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Simulation and Measurement V={(Rc•Rt)/(Rc+Rt)} x(V0/Rt - Isi) R = R0*exp{B(1/T-1/T0)} Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Gain vs Time (Static Measurement) ±~0.1%/℃!! -18℃ <= T[℃] <= -8℃ Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Gain vs Time (Dynamic measurement) ±~0.5%/℃ -18℃ <= T[℃] <= -8℃ Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
RC circuit (Differentiator, optional) SiPM (especially Hamamatsu MPPC) has a very wide pulses (~50ns of FWHM) 300Ω + - Sig. Out 100pF 50Ω 50Ω FWHM~50ns FWHM~15ns GND Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Prototype camera for a Cherenkov telescope Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
150cm 60cm diameter CAEN VME 64ch Digitizer 64/256ch MPPC camera Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik CAEN VME 64ch Digitizer
Readout with CAEN 64ch VME module Example of LED events Readout with CAEN 64ch VME module Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Summary & Outlook Summary UV sensitive SiPMs are promising to be an ideal sensor for Imaging Cherenkov and fluorescence telescopes. Preliminary results of PDEs, studies of Gain stability with a thermistor circuit, and of shaper circuit (differentiator). We developed a 256ch prototype camera with array of Hamamatsu 16ch (4x4 matrices of 3mm x 3mm SiPM) MPPC and tests are ongoing. Outlook More detailed and precise study of measurements above, especially temperature (overvoltage) dependence are necessary. Observation of Cherenkov events from CR airshower and estimation and fundamental study of the camera efficiency. Develop a camera module for MAGIC-II telescope Space-qualified design for JEM-EUSO Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
End Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik
Mounting structure for Outlook Telescope with MPPC array camera Mounting structure for detector module f = 1500 mm Vacuum chamber with Cooled SiPM array and Entrance window 3x3 mm2 16chx16 MPPC array d = 750 mm Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik Spherical mirror with d = 750 mm, f = 1500 mm
PDE measurement setup (Light source) UBA-MAPMT vs MPPC vs Dolgoshein vs MAGICII-PMT Nd:YAG (SHG, 532nm) Prism (beam splitter) (Infra) Red, Blue, UV (@2kHz) Fiber Optics Ti:Al2O3 ((Infra)Red) Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik detectors
PDE measurement setup (Detectors) UBA-MAPMT vs MPPC vs Dolgoshein vs MAGICII-PMT Temperature Box @ -5C with Ar gas D-SiPM 3x3 mm2 (100um) Calibrated UBA-MAPMT with 3x3 mm2 hole -5C! Hamamtsu 1 inch Calibrated SBA-PMT for MAGIC II with 3x3 mm2 hole Diffuser MPPC 3x3 mm2 (100um) Fiber Optics Hiroko Miyamoto MPI für Physik