Turn up the Heat: How to Improve Your School’s Climate April 27, 2016
Quick Assessment 1.What is the “feeling” of your classroom or school? 2.What does the physical environment say about your classroom or school’s focus? 3.What do you do in your classroom or school ON PURPOSE to celebrate achievement, accomplishments, and/or improvement?
Quick Assessment 1.What would be your ideal “feeling” for your classroom or school? 2.What would you like to see the physical environment say about your classroom or school’s focus? 3.What could you do in your classroom or school ON PURPOSE to celebrate achievement, accomplishments, and/or improvement?
We asked “What does it mean to be Clay Panthers?” We involved teachers & students in defining what it means to be Clay Panthers We provided guidance for staff – Character word lists, suggestions, & a deadline We incorporated a reward system We worked together for the benefit of students
Clay Panthers are CCaring (K & 1) LLeaders (2 nd ) AAmbitious (3 rd ) Y Youthful (4 th ) PPositive (5 th ) AAccepting (6 th ) NNoble (7 th ) TTenacious (8 th ) HHonorable (9 th ) EEmpowered (10 th ) RResilient (11 th ) SSelfless (12 th )
Giving Words Meaning Word of the week focus Student created videos Quotes, pictures, challenges posted throughout hallways Tickets given when students exemplify word meaning Weekly reward drawings Positive post cards
We asked “What does it mean to be Clay Panthers?” Positive aspects – Student engagement Staff involvement Character-based education Positive behavior support Increased vocabulary/depth of knowledge Sense of belonging for students Livened up our physical environment
Positive Climate Ideas for Classrooms & Schools Positive phone call Positive post card, card, or letter sent home Positive or text to parents Thank You Letters Celebrate birthdays “Begin with the end in mind” activities (Adopted from Stephen Covey) 1.“Last Day Letters” 2.Daily, weekly, or quarterly goals 3.Freshmen letters to themselves
Improving Your School’s Climate: Action Steps 1.Select at least 1 thing to try. 2.How do you plan to do? 3.Who can you trust to assist you? 4.When will you start? 5.When will you finish?
Additional Resources Laura A. Riffel, Ph.D. Barbara Blackburn The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey Nice Bike by Mark Scharenbroich Alan Chmiel
Contact Information: Russ Breech Clay Local Schools