CONSUMER NEEDS & MOTIVATION Power point presentation by – Rachel Nichol CONSUMER NEEDS & MOTIVATION Power point presentation by – Rachel Nichol
We tend to actively seek ways to satisfy our desires. These can include: physical, spiritual or psychological activities. Once a person recognises their need it soon turns into a want and a desire to have. This begins a process called the Basic Consumption Process. The Need The Want Exchange Costs & Benefits Reaction
There are other needs included in consumer advertising, these are:There are other needs included in consumer advertising, these are: The Need for Power Affiliation Achievement
The Power Need – The desire to control our environment, the need to control other people and various objects to increase self enhancement. The Affiliation Need – Influenced by the desire for friendship, acceptance and belonging tending to have a high dependence on others. The Achievement Need – Regard personal accomplishment as an end in itself. Related to the egoistic and self-actualisation needs.
Abraham Maslow proposed a theory of human needs in a psychology paper in His theory was that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and when a person has fulfilled that need they search to fulfil the next one. He produced the ‘Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid’. This pyramid contained what he believed to be the five levels of human needs. 1.Physiological needs – Food, air, water, shelter, sex, and sleep.1.Physiological needs – Food, air, water, shelter, sex, and sleep. 2.Safety Needs – Security, law and order, stability, protection from the elements. 3.Social Needs – Friendship, intimacy, affection, love – from family and friends. 4.Esteem Needs – Achievement, self-esteem, independence, social status, prestige, responsibility. 5.Self-Actualisation – Realising and achieving one’s potential, self- fulfilment, morality, creativity.
Needs are human requirements and every individual has different needs. These can be broken into 2 categories: Innate Needs are physiological (biogenic) these are needed to sustain life and are considered primary needs or motives. Acquired Needs are needs that we learn through cultural experiences or our environment. These are the need for self- esteem, affection, power etc. They are psychological (psychogenic) and are considered to be secondary needs or motives.
Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to act. This force is produced by a state of uncomfortable tension which is the result of an unsatisfied need. The subconscious of an individual will strive to find something to satisfy this need whether it is food, clothing, shelter or social acceptance.
The motivation to buy something that is advertised may come from the belief that has been created by propaganda. Through advertising, propaganda influences you emotionally to buy certain products, services and ideas. Look at buying a new car, you may need a new car but the brand of car you purchase will depend on what you have learnt cognitively which is your mental state of perception, memory, judgement and thinking.
Manifest Motives Manifest Motives Consumer Behaviour Consumer Behaviour Latent Motives Latent Motives A Small Car is More Economical H igh Quality and Performs Well Purchase a Porsche It Will Show My Success It’s a Powerful, Sexy Car and Will Make Me Look Powerful & Sexy
The Linkage between Behaviour & Motives that are known & freely admitted The Linkage between Behaviour & Motives that the consumer is reluctant to admit or reveal
A well-known universal brand of soft drink such as Coke gives people in a group situation the feeling of social acceptance. Advertising is aimed at younger adults having fun if they use the product. A teenager might purchase some Coke-a-Cola to take to a party even if they normally don’t purchase the product because subconsciously they feel the need to be socially accepted.
Both the purchase of Coke-a-Cola for a party and the purchase of a new Porsche give’s the consumers a satisfied feeling for their Esteem Needs. A company needs to have the ability to identify and satisfy unfulfilled needs of a consumer better and sooner than their competition. There are countless examples of products that have succeeded in the marketplace because they have fulfilled consumer needs. The promotion of a product through advertising with the aim at certain demographic groups can enhance the need to have this product.
REFERENCES: Consumer Motivation, pp ,Consumer Motivation, pp , Journal of Marketing, Vol. 22, No 3 (Jan., 1958), pp , &sid=2 &sid=2 &sid=2 CONSUMER NEEDS AND MOTIVATION Posted by Huzefa Sunday, October 25, :29 AM,