Fast Start to President in 60 days!
“ This will qualify YOU for ALL of the POWER START BONUSES”. POWER PACK $ The Presidential Factor “GET STARTED!” Join with a Power Pack for $ taxes and shipping.
The Presidential Factor NOW follow these steps for a FAST START!!! Step 1: Enroll 10 distributors with Custom Power Packs within your first month. Now you have a TOTAL of 2990 **GQP so far. YOU ENROLLER 299*PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP Enrollee PQP *PQP=Personal Qualifying Points **GQP=Group Qualifying Points
The Presidential Factor YOU ENROLLER Enrollee 299 PQP Enrollee 299 PQP Enrollee 299 PQP KATHY 3000 shows MIKE 3000**GQP 3 shows Enrollee 299 PQP TERRY 3000 **GQP 3 shows Enrollee 299 PQP CYNDI 3000 **GQP 3 shows Enrollee 299 PQP SHOWCASES!!! Step 2: Help at least (4) of your (10) Enrollees generate 3000 GQP within the first month by booking at least 3 showcases for their teams. This will generate an additional 12,000 GQP. **GQP=Group Qualifying Points
The Presidential Factor Step 3: Follow these steps when inviting guests to showcases: To ensure that this system works, you must ensure that at least (10) guests show up at each showcase: (1) Invite at least guests. If you don't know enough people, ask your friends if they know anyone who may want to "Drop 3 Sizes in 10 Minutes". If so, ask them to bring them along. Your first contact should be verbal. This is important for two reasons: Firstly, you want them to hear the excitement in your voice when you ask them, "Have you heard about this fantastic garment called the Body Magic that will drop you 3 sizes in 10 minutes? " You MUST be excited when you call them. It's contagious! Normally, they will be excited about the possibility of experiencing the garment. Secondly, not everyone checks their s very often, so you want to be sure they know about the showcase. Calling them will ensure this.
The Presidential Factor Inviting Cont’d (2) Let them know you will send them an Evite so that they can respond. You need a head count to ensure enough refreshments. (3) Although the Evite will remind them again, YOU MUST PERSONALLY FOLLOW UP WITH EACH CONFIRMED ATTENDEE. If they said that they would come but did not respond, call them again to confirm. (Remember, they may not have checked their s). Follow Erwin and Twiler Portis's "Effective Showcases" handout or watch their DVD to ensure you have an effective showcase. By ensuring 10 guests at each showcase, you should enroll an average of 3 Power Packs and 2 Body Magics at each showcase, TOTALING around 1000 (GQP) Group Qualifying Points. NOW, get two of your new recruits from your showcase to do the same (totaling 3) and you will have an average TOTAL of 3000 (GQP) Group Qualifying Points from each of your 4 Fast Start legs.
The Presidential Factor Step 4 : CALCULATE YOUR EARNINGS!!! Now with 4 legs generating 3000 GQP each, your total points are 3000 X 4 = 12,000 Add your original 2990 from Step Total Group Qualifying Points = 14,990 Your Income for the first month will be: 10 Power Packs $80 each) $800 Power Start Bonus for reaching over 14,000 GQP $ % Match on Power Start from 4 Fast Starters 600 ($150 for $3000 in volume and 5 recruits) Enrollment Bonus 80 (See Note 1) Unilevel Bonus 400 (See Note 2 ) Generation Bonus 320 (8000 GVP X 4% Car Bonus 300 (Must qualify 2 consec mths) Rank Bonus 200 Total Commissions and Bonuses $4600 Note 1: This assumes that each of your enrollees generate 250 PQP or 200 PVP X 4 = 800 GVP X 10% (Value points are what we are paid on). Note 2: This assumes that your (GQP) Group Value Points are about 8,000 X 5%.
The Presidential Factor Step 5: Start Over!! ( in Month 2) Enroll (10) more Power Packs and encourage your (4) Fast Starts to do the same. You may Sponsor Place under your Fast Starters to ensure their success. Get your Fast Starters to Duplicate the System starting with Step 3. This will generate over 48,000 Points in volume. Add 2,990 points for the 10 Power Packs that you sold this month. You will also qualify for the PRESIDENT’S POOL. YOU ARE NOW PRESIDENT IN 60 DAYS!!! Your Earnings: 10 Power Packs $80 each) 800 Power Start Bonus for reaching over 50,000 GQP 7700 (Excludes your original $1900) 100% Match on Power Start from 4 Fast Starters 7000 ($1750 for $14,000 in volume less ) $150 Bonus earned in month 1 Enrollment Bonus 160 (4 additional Fast Starters) Unilevel Bonus 1750 (Assume 35,000 in GVP) Generation Bonus 1400 (" " " ) Car Bonus 400 (Must qualify 2 consec. Mths. Rank Bonus 500 Total Commissions and Earnings $19,710
The Presidential Factor Step 6: DUPLICATE! DUPLICATE! DUPLICATE! Duplicate this system one more month and YOU will be a Diamond President with over 200,000 GQP and produce 4 Presidents!!!! Your Earnings: 10 Power Packs $80 each) $ 800 Power Start Bonus for reaching over 200,000 GQP 26,000 (Excludes the previous $9600) 100% Match on Power Start from 4 Fast Starters 30,800 (Excludes $1900 earned mth 1& 2) Enrollment Bonus 240 (4 more Fast Starters) Unilevel Bonus 7,500 (Assume 150,000 in GVP) Generation Bonus 6,000 ( " " " ) Car Bonus 600 (Must qualify 2 consecutive months) Rank Bonus 700 Total Commissions and Earnings $72, 640
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