Job. Background Author unknown, but likely an Israelite because of the language used. When did Job live? 1000-2000 BC. – He lived to be older than 100.


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Presentation transcript:


Background Author unknown, but likely an Israelite because of the language used. When did Job live? BC. – He lived to be older than 100 – Wealth measured in cattle – Priest for the family – When written? Any time between the reign of Solomon and the exile into Babylon - about 1050 BC to 586 BC

Theme of the Book We will see the “persistence” of Job, not his patience We will learn the answer to the question, “Why do bad things happen to “good” people?” We will note a distinction between how a Lutheran answers this question and those who’s religion is based on good works.

Some Notes Job’s friends say some things that are correct Job’s friends also have a false theology of good works behind their words. Look for: – Suffering is God punishing us for something sinful we have done – God’s goodness, power, His control of nature, and grace

Law Shows us our Sin Tells me I must do something Say God hates sin and the sinner Demands obedience – perfect Terrifies, conflicts, burdens, bad news Gospel Shows us our Savior Tells m God has done it all Says God love the world and loves me Makes no demands, instead it offers and gives Comforts, sooths, motivates, it’s good news

Job 1 1.How does Job show his love and concern for his children? He sacrifices for his children’s unknown sins. Note: Job a wealthy man, even by today’s standards 2.Sometimes we assume that Satan took the initiative in challenging God to put Job to the test. Who, however, took the initiative? What did he want to prove? God took the initiative The Job was the real deal.

3.In response to God’s challenge, Satan accused both God and Job. Of what did he accuse them? What challenge did he make? He accused God of spoiling Job He said Job was only loyal, because God had blessed him with so much. Take it all away and Job will curse God 4.What did God allow Satan to do? What did God not allow? Take all he had Couldn't touch Job

5.Who was in control here, Satan or the Lord? Explain your answer. The Lord. He is using Satan’s hatred against him. Just like during Holy Week 6.Many preachers today preach “prosperity theology.” They suggest that following Christ will ensure prosperity and success in this life. Why are such promises misleading and dangerous? God does not promise that. He does tell us that our faith will bring suffering.

Job 2 1.What similarity do you see between Satan’s answer to God in verse 2 and the apostle Peter’s description of Satan in 1 Peter 5:8? He is truly roaming the earth. Remember Satan is not omnipresent – he is a fallen angel 2.How does the Lord again challenge Satan? What is Satan’s response? Job kept the faith – “You lost the first round Satan!” “Take Job’s health and then he’ll curse you.”

3.Once again, consider who is in control. How does each of the three parties involved in this confrontation answer this question? God (verse 3) Satan incited God to take away posessions – God in control Satan (verse 4) If God would take away health – Satan admits that God is in control Job (verse 10) Job repeats what he said in 1:21 – God give, God takes away

4.What is remarkable about Job’s answer to his wife in verse 10? He does not mince words, but shows gentleness and patience 5.Verse 12 states that the friends could hardly recognize Job. How would you explain that? Job’s health changed dramatically – bad health 6.Job’s three friends were of little help to him. When you go to visit someone who is suffering great afflictions, what are some important things to keep in mind so that your visit will have beneficial results? Don’t harass them! Use Bible words for comfort and hope – specifically use the Gospel to give hope – Just be there.

Job 3 1.What points does Job make in this chapter? Wishes he’d never been born or been left to die He preferred death to his suffering Ever felt that way? 2.Contrast Job’s words in chapter 3 with what he said in 1:20,21 and 2:10. How do you explain the difference? Job is human with a sinful nature. He never denied his faith. He never cursed God.

3.How does Job feel about God’s attitude toward him? God is hidden from him God has hedged him in Wondered if God had forsaken him 4.Is it wrong for a person to wish to die as Job does in chapter 3? Defend your answer. Not necessarily. Don’t we really all long to be in heaven, rather than deal with the trouble in the life?

5.What would you say to a suffering Christian who expressed thoughts similar to Job’s? Give benefit of the doubt Let them vent Remind them of God’s love for them Romans 8:28 – eternal welfare There will be blessing that comes from this Consider it training. Hebrews 12:7-13

Job In 4:1-6 Eliphaz recounts Job’s life. What horrible thought does he offer Job in 4:6? Put your hope in your righteousness! Horrible! Implying that bad does not affect the good. Conscience will tell us we are evil. 2.According to Eliphaz’ argument in 4:7-9, why does Job suffer so greatly? (verses 7-11) He is evil and not admitting it Good guys don’t always win.

3.In 4:12-21 Eliphaz speaks in ominous terms about a vision he had, obviously given to him by God (or so he imagines). In 4:17 Eliphaz says some true words. However, they are out of place here. Explain. No one is more righteous than God, but Eliphaz is scolding when Job needs comfort. This is mixing the use of Law and Gospel. 4.Why are Eliphaz’ statements to Job in 5:1-7 particularly cruel and unjust? He calls Job a fool (rebellious) who is soon brought to ruin – only fools face ruin No one would answers Job’s cries for help – God won’t answer your prayers

5.What point does Eliphaz make in 5:8-16? What point does he make in 5:17-27? Both of these points are true, but they are applied in a wrong way. Explain. He encourages Job to repent and then things would get better. God is all powerful – this is true. 6.What can we learn from Eliphaz’ speech about visiting a sick and suffering friend? The Gospel must dominate! The law is pretty obvious to them. Don’t rub it in!