Presidential Assassinations, Attempts, and the Best and Worst Presidents in U.S. History.
UEQ and LEQ UEQ: How powerful is the President with regard to the other branches of government? Where does the President’s power come from? LEQ: How hard is the job of the President? How can a President’s decisions impact their life and how people feel about them?
Vocabulary Assassination Cover Up Warren Commission Zapruder Film
Highlighter Reading Before taking office, Barack Obama faces a major challenge, trying to solve the downfall of our economy, but where did this challenge come from? Using a highlighter, read over: “U.S. Financial System: New Role For Government?” Highlight information that answers the main question posed to you, “How did the current crisis happen?” Be prepared to discuss your findings.
How Safe is the Safest Man in the World??? The President of the United States, the most powerful, influential, and single most important leader in our countries government. Impacts the nation and all its citizens through his various decisions made over a four to eight year period. However, these decisions can lead people to take that final step toward ultimately trying to assassinate their leader.
Assassinations in U.S. History To date: 90 assassination attempts have been made against current, former, and to be Presidents. Out of 90 attempts only four have succeeded. Virtually all assassins have had the same motive for doing what they did, anger towards a President for a certain decision he made.
President: Abraham Lincoln Elected 16 th President of the United States. Served as President from 1860 until his death in 1865, won re-election in Greatest contributions as President: End of Slavery, keeping the nation together during the Civil War.
Assassinated by… John Wilkes Booth Strong supporter of the South and Confederacy, opposed Lincoln’s end of slavery and slave voting rights. Originally intended to kidnap Lincoln, but Booth moved to assassinate Lincoln. Ford's Theatre Ford's Theatre
Results of Assassination 12 Day Manhunt 12 Day Manhunt
President: John F. Kennedy Elected 35 th President of the United States. Served as President from 1961 to Greatest contributions as President: end of Cuban Missile Crisis, creation of the U.S. Peace Corps, Ban of Nuclear Weapons Testing Treaty
Assassinated by… Lee Harvey Oswald Sworn Communist, opposed U.S. ideas and supported the Soviet Union. Intended on assassinating Kennedy as part of a communist conspiracy. Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas
Results of Assassination Oswald is arrested in a theatre hours after the assassination. On November 24, in front of television cameras, Oswald is assassinated by Jack Ruby. Dallas Police Station Basement Dallas Police Station Basement However, people believe a second shooter was involved or even the government? The Government Involved The Government Involved
Two Shooters??? Magic Bullet Theory Magic Bullet Theory Back and To The Left Back and To The Left Many eyewitnesses claim that they heard additional shots being fired from a grassy knoll near the street, others claimed to have seen another gunman.
Laying the Conspiracy to Rest
Repeating History Notable Quotable Poet George Santayana once said: “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Link to the Past: Lincoln/Kennedy Connection. Look over the link to the past. What similarities do you see? Does history repeat itself? Will an assassination happen again?
Exit Question In your own opinion, in a paragraph, explain what ultimately leads an individual to commit a crime, like assassinating a President, even though it is so serious and that death is guaranteed. In your answer be describe the overall impact of an assassination on the nation and government and whether an assassination really changes anything.