2 Careers in FE n You need to consider a number of issues when searching for jobs n Location n Full /part time n Subject range and levels
3 Careers in FE n Where can you teach with this qualification ? n Have you thought about teaching in
4 Careers in FE n Here is a web site that has a list of the colleges in the South West with contact links and a summary of the college n southwest colleges southwest colleges
5 Careers in FE AGENCIES n Teaching agencies can be found on the web n Many have lots of hints and ideas for job searches and some have regional searches n You can register with lots and they will let you when jobs in your area come up
6 Careers in FE n E Teach E Teach n FE careers.FE careers. n Draig Education services Draig Education services n Capita Resourcing. Capita Resourcing. n FE jobs FE jobs n Education GuardianEducation Guardian n TES TES n UK teaching jobsUK teaching jobs n Strawberry Recruitment. Strawberry Recruitment. n Jobs in education Jobs in education
7 Careers in FE n Help there do not seem to be any jobs at the moment !!! When will most jobs be advertised ? n The 31st May marks the final date for teachers and lecturers in post to resign if they are leaving this summer. n Most jobs will appear after this date.
8 Careers in FE REFERENCES n Please use me as your main reference and I will ask for input from your tutor and mentor. n Think about who else you could use for the second ref. University contact, recent employer or your mentor if they agree.
9 Careers in FE MARKETING STRATERGIES If you know what area you want to teach in you can send out speculative letters Include your qualifications, a brief CV, the sort of work you are interested in, the experience you have and when you are available. Ask to be put on file and that you are prepared to come for an interview.
10 Careers in FE INTERVIEWS I can only give you some general advice as each college has an HR section which decides what format the interview will take Dress smartly this makes a good impression Do some research beforehand,syllabi,courses size of classes etc. Use inspection reports to give you an idea of the ethos of the college,let them know you have made the effort to read the report.
11 Careers in FE INTERVIEWS n Most colleges ask you to produce a presentation or a teaching episode so prepare well and ask for our advice n They will use your application form as a starting point so keep a copy and read it before you go to the interview n make sure you know the job spec and give examples of how you fit them n play on your strengths and be positive about any areas you don’t fit on the job spec
12 Careers in FE INTERVIEWS They are not looking for perfection but they do want someone who fits in with the team and is positive about the joys of teaching and enthusiastic about their subject Have some specific examples of things you have done well in sessions this year Use current, correct, educational terminology and let them know you understand how FE colleges work ( now you know why you have done understanding PCE )
13 Careers in FE CVs I have found a great web site which will help you produce a good CV for teaching jobs Don’t send one if they don’t ask for it, follow the instructions on the application form
14 Careers in FE SECONDARY SCHOOLS The PGCE PCE is for post compulsory education Private schools may not ask you to obtain QTS but all state schools will. This will mean you have to do more work and will be paid less while you have to qualify.
15 Careers in FE Here is a really good link to how trainees have faired in their first year of teaching in FE talking the talk