Math Vocabulary
Comma “million” “thousand” UNITS Used to separate the periods; when you see a comma, say the name of the period
Smaller than the size or amount. Less than Smaller than the size or amount. Small Big
More than the size or amount. Greater than More than the size or amount.
To find an answer that is close to the actual answer. Estimation To find an answer that is close to the actual answer.
Estimation “Round, About & Estimate” (To the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”) Round, About & Estimate, Estimate, Estimate, Reasonable, Best Way, Approximately!
33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30. Rounding 33 is closer to 30 than 40. 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30. An estimation strategy to find a number that is close to the actual number.
Compatible Numbers Numbers that are easy to compute with mentally. 4 and 6 are compatible because they add up to 10. 25 and 75 are compatible because they add up to 100. Also known as “Friendly Numbers”
The answer you get when you add. Sum The answer you get when you add. 5 + 4 = 9 The sum is 9.
A number that is added to another number. Addend A number that is added to another number. 5 + 4 = 9 The addends are 5 and 4.
The answer you get when you subtract. Difference The answer you get when you subtract. 9 – 5 = 4 The difference is 4.
The first number in a subtraction sentence. Minuend The first number in a subtraction sentence. 9 – 5 = 4 The minuend is 9.
The second number in a subtraction sentence. Subtrahend The second number in a subtraction sentence. 9 – 5 = 4 The subtrahend is 5.
Digit Any number from 0-9.
Whole Number Any counting number from zero to infinity.
Place Value The position that each digit occupies.
Period UNITS A three-digit grouping of a number on a place value chart that represents its value.
Standard Form The regular way of writing numbers.
Expanded Form A way of writing numbers to show place value. 9,356
A way of writing numbers in words. Written Form A way of writing numbers in words. 9,356 Nine thousand, three hundred fifty-six
Equal to The same value.
Greater than More than the size or amount.
Less than Smaller than the size or amount. Big Small
Decimal Another name for a decimal fraction that uses place value, numbers, and a decimal point to show part of a whole.
Tenths One part of one ten divided into 10 equal parts. .1 .10 or .100
Hundredths One part of one hundred divided into 100 equal parts. .01 .010 or
Perimeter The distance around a shape or region. 10 cm 8 cm 8 cm 10 cm
Base-ten system A number system of multiples of 10, where each digit has 10 times the value of the same digit one place to its right.