Aaron McGivern
Introduction This PowerPoint presentation is about the gaming industry. I will talk about the following; Representation of gender, representation of religious beliefs, accessibility; professional body codes of practice, Broadcasting Act 1990, Race Relations Act 1976, Privacy Law, copyright and intellectual property law, libel law.
Representation of gender This has become a major issue within the gaming industry. There has been a lot of people, mainly girls have made complaints to gaming companies about there only being males characters in games.
Representation of religious beliefs In gaming, religious beliefs has to be handled responsible, because of the obvious reason some people will get offended. In 2012 Call of Duty modern warfare 2, a YouTube video was uploaded and called "Message to Infinity Ward From Muslims - رساله ل الشركه " saying that in a bathroom on the map, there is a picture frame above the toilet with writing that says "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty". In Islam it is forbidden to say anything about Islamic religion in a bathroom.
Accessibility; professional body codes of practice PEGI is professional body of gaming in the UK and Europe. Gaming companies have to follow codes of practice, such as advertising and promotion, where if a game is rated 18, they have to make that clear in the advertising and promoting of the game, so parents/guardians will know that it’s for the older gamers and not for kids.
Race relations Act 1976 There are many games out there that are racist, for example Grand Theft Auto. In Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, there was outrage about killing Cubans and Haitians, and it didn’t stop Rockstar from calling a mission in GTA San Andreas ‘Kill the cholos’, where you had to kill Mexican gang members.
Privacy Law In October 2012 USA Navy Seals breached a secert when they told Electronic Arts (EA) secrets about Osama Bin Laden. For telling this secret they lost their chances of being promoted.
Copyright and intellectual property law Copyright is very important in anything nowadays, especially gaming to make sure that they don’t use any other companies characters etc.
Libel Law In June 2013 Lindsey Lohan filed a lawsuit against Grand Theft Auto 5 because she accused them of using on of her photo’s taken in 2007.
Conclusion While I was doing this task I found out all different legal and ethical's conditions to do with gaming. I discussed ‘Representation of gender, Representation of religious beliefs, Accessibility; professional body codes of practice, Race relations Act 1976, Privacy Law, Copyright and intellectual property law, Libel Law’.