Strategies to manage human activity in deserts 11
11. NAMIBIA – The action and co-operation of Government Ministries A.Sustainable Management and Utilisation of Living Marine Resources Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry of Environment and Tourism (Directorate of Environmental Affairs) Fisheries management, formulate policy, monitoring, control and surveillance, research, stock assessment, environmental monitoring, set TAC and other management tools, environmental protection Administers coastal parks and assist MFMR by ensuring compliance amongst recreational fishers in these areas. Key training and capacity needs: Large staff compliment (research, compliance, observers) but need technical and statistical training, stock assessment expertise, and management and leadership skills
B. Management of Mining and Drilling Activities Ministry of Mines & Energy Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism Department of Water Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Lead agency responsible for ensuring that mining activities in Namibia are environmentally sustainable, issues prospecting and mining licences as well as exploration and production licences for petroleum Works with MME in evaluating environmental assessments, impact assessments and management plans Lead agency responsible for control of marine pollution resulting from land based activities, grants exemption permits allowing mines to discharge effluent into the surroundings Assists with the evaluate EIAs for offshore mining and petroleum operations
Key training and capacity needs: Agencies are severely short staffed (compliance monitoring) and many staff lack appropriate training
C. Assessment of Environmental Variability, Ecosystem Impacts and Improvement of Predictability Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Namibia Meteorological Service, Ministry of Works, transport and Communications Environmental monitoring (physical, chemical and biological oceanography) Collection and provision of weather and climate data Key training and capacity needs: Making good use of international donor assistance but shortage of staff, equipment and resources
D. Management of Pollution Directorate Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications Department of Water Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry of Regional and Local Government and Housing Directorate Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment & Tourism Responsible for marine oil pollution that arises from shipping activities, responsible for managing and co- ordinating national response to an oil spill in Namibia Responsible for management of marine pollution that originates on land, grants exemption permits to discharge effluent into the surroundings Assists with control of marine pollution from fishing vessels, and clean-up from oil spills Responsible for management of wastewater and sewage from municipalities Has developed new draft legislation and is trying to implement a proper framework for management of pollution in Namibia
Key training and capacity needs: legal and institutional framework for control of pollution in Namibia is highly fragmented and poorly coordinated Most institutions are critically short of staff, particularly regionally based staff that can assist with monitoring and compliance activities