3-1Decision Making and Problem Solving Unit Objectives n Identify your psychological type and relate it to personal preferences. n Describe factors and personal styles that have an impact on decision making. n Distinguish between situations requiring individual decisions and those requiring group decisions. n Identify the attributes of an effective decision maker.
3-2Decision Making and Problem Solving Psychological Type n A personality pattern n Two mental processes: F Taking in information: through the senses or by intuition F Organizing information: by thinking or feeling
3-3Decision Making and Problem Solving The MBTI Assesses preferences on four scales: n Extroversion vs. introversion n Sensing vs. intuition n Thinking vs. feeling n Judging vs. perceiving
3-4Decision Making and Problem Solving Type and Decision Making n Sensing--favors stability n Intuition--favors innovation n Thinking--favors effectiveness n Feeling--favors integrity
3-5Decision Making and Problem Solving Who Decides? n Individual n Consultation n Group n Delegation
3-6Decision Making and Problem Solving “Groupthink” n Group members’ need to agree leads to a premature decision n Three conditions that lead to groupthink: F Overestimating the group’s power F A “we” vs. “they” attitude F Pressure toward uniformity
3-7Decision Making and Problem Solving Effective Decision Makers n Make decisions with competence and confidence. n Most of their decisions work out right.
3-8Decision Making and Problem Solving Attributes of Good Decision Makers n Knowledge n Initiative n Advice-seeking n Selectivity n Comprehensiveness n Currency n Flexibility n Good judgment n Calculated risk- taking n Self-knowledge
3-9Decision Making and Problem Solving Unit Summary In Unit 3, we: n Examined different styles of decision making n Discussed four ways of making a decision based on who decides n Examined attributes of effective decision makers Next: Ethical Decision Making