Taking Care Creating a safe environment for children, young people, leaders and staff (Parents Awareness Week)
Presbyterian Church in Ireland Board of Mission Overseas Board of Youth and Children’s Board of Social Witness Specialist Ministries Older People Services Family Services PCI Family Holiday PCI Counselling Disability, Health & Wellbeing Taking Care Friendship House Adult Services Social Issues Board of Mission Ireland
Taking Care Office Full-time coordinator and administrator Support and advice ( over 300 incidents reported to PCI within the last 5 years) Provide child protection training Process police check forms Reporting and working with other agencies
FACT The Presbyterian Church works with over 119,000 children throughout Ireland. – We couldn’t do it without you! (Taking Care Audit 2010)
FACT There are over 32,000 volunteer leaders working with children and young people within the Presbyterian Church. (Taking Care Audit 2010)
FACT The number of volunteers who have attended Taking Care training is 16,260. (Taking Care Audit 2010)
In the beginning….. Guidelines first issued in 1995 and updated in 2002
2004 guidelines…..
POCVA checks 2005 POCVA (Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults) checking for new leaders 2007 POCVA checking and Training for Ministers and….. Agreed that all Congregations will have implemented Taking Care by 2008
General Assembly Resolution (2008) “ That all concerns, complaints and disclosures in a congregation, relating to child protection, shall be reported to the General Assembly Designated Person and the Clerk of Presbytery without delay”.
What should our congregation be doing today? Fully implement Taking Care. Current Child Protection Policy (review every 3yrs). Appointment of Designated Person(s). Robust appointment of leaders process. Deal with all concerns, complaints and disclosures relating to child protection. Provide safe premises and equipment.
Taking Care Website
Taking Care Two
Taking Care Resources Pocket Guides for Children; Leaders and Parents available – free of charge. Collect from Church House reception or order online.
“And any of you who welcomes a child like this in my name is welcoming me.” Matthew 18: 5 Remember what it’s all about