Introduction Paul Nelis Development Manager Better Community Engagement This was developed as part of the Scottish Government’s Better Community Engagement Programme
Programme Introduction 10.15Group discussion/Feedback 11.00BCE Survey 12.00CE Methods 1.00 Close
Community Engagement Elements – Skills Audit
BCE Framework 1.Working in partnerships with agencies, organisations and communities. 2. Recognising diversity and designing inclusive ways of working 3. Involving communities in planning services.
BCE Framework 5. Negotiating with communities and partners. 6. Addressing conflicts and supporting change. 7. Being a leader and encouraging leadership.
BCE Framework 8. Supporting people and organisations to learn together. 9. Using participatory evaluation.
Story Dialogue A method that: Share practice and experience in a critical and reflective way. Generate common lessons about good practice to inform future practice and programme development.
Nominal Group Technique A method that: Enables all participants to contribute more equally Reduces the impact of dominant voices Enables priorities and issues to be ranked against one another Sets agendas that match what everyone is thinking
What makes community engagement work? On a separate ‘post-it’ for each idea, please write down, the three most important things that you think help community engagement to work. (Keep your answer as short as possible – single words are fine!) We will now collect all the ‘post-its’ that reflect a common idea about what makes community engagement work and create a list of all the ideas from the group