Three skull patterns are evident in the reptilian lineage. The Anapsid line has only one living representative group, the turtles. The Synapsid line diverged early from the Anapsid line and let to the evolution of the mammals. The Diapsid line is represented by all other living amniotes, including birds and all living groups of reptiles.
Order: Testudines (Turtles)
Saddlebacks / Chelonians
Superorder Lepidosauria all living orders of reptiles except turtles and crocs Superorder: Ichthyosauria (fish lizards) Mostly marine-dolphin shaped ( extinct) Superorder: Sauropterygia (ancient lizards) Order: Plesiosauria (“Nessie”) (extinct) Superorder Archosauria (ruling lizards)Order Crocodilia only living order ◦ Order saurischia, order pterosaura, order ornithischia, and order Thecodontia all extinct
Order: Squamata (Scaly lizards) (95% of all living reptiles) Suborder: Lacertilia (Lizards) Suborder: Serpentes (Snakes) Suborder Amphisbaenia (Worm Lizards)
Komodo Dragons
Gila Monster Beaded Lizard
King Snake Rat Snake
Boa Constrictor Burmese Python
Python with Deer / Prey
Coral Snake
Black Mamba
Water Moccasins
Sea Krait
African boom-slang
Twig Snake
Tuatara (sphenodon)
SuperOrder Archosauria Order Saurichia Lizard hipped dinosaurs
SuperOrder Archosauria Order Saurichia suborder Sauropodomorpha
SuperOrder Archosauria Order Saurichia suborder Therapoda
SuperOrder Archosauria Order Pterosauria All flying dinosaurs
SuperOrder Archosauria Order Ornithischia Bird hipped dinosaurs-not the ancestors of birds
Later age dinosaurs, teeth set in sockets
Order: Pelycosauria (sail fin dinosaurs) Order: Theraspida (placental mammal-like
Order: Pelycosauria (sail fin dinosaurs)
Subclass Synapsida 1 Temporal Opening