By the one and only ANDRES SORTO
My dinosaur’s name is Argentinosaurus. This is how you would pronounce it : are-jen-teen-owe-sore-uss. Argentinosaurus means lizard from Argentina.
My dinosaur weighs about 100,000 kg. It also was 40 meters long he was longer than a school bus. It had 4 legs and 4 toes on each leg
My dinosaur ate plants so it did not have prey. But it did have one predator it was one of the biggest dinosaurs it was… GIGANTOSAURUS.
One of the special features are that Gigantosaurus and Argentinosaurus lived in the same period.
Arceoleolegists extra information about archolegists!!! Archeoligists always dig sguare holes because bieng neat and organized helps them find artifacts. But bieng an archeoligists is not as easy as it looks its like solving a puzzle with pieces