Italy 08L1229 Miki Masatani
Capital City Rome Border Italy is bordered on north by the France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. オーストリア スロヴェニア
Time difference There is a time difference of eight hours between Japan and Italy. JAPAN ITALY
language To say hello is “buongiorno” or “ciao”. To say "My name is Miki" is "Mi chiamo Miki".
climate The climate of Italy is like to the climate of Japan.
population In October 2007, the Italian population surpassed 59.7million.
visa We don’t need visa if we return to Japan within 90 days.
World Heritage Site There are 40 cultur heritage and one natural heritage are registered in the World Heritage list of UNESCO.
Leaning Tower of Pisa The tower has 296 or 294 steps. The tower leans at an angle of 3.97degrees.