In at least 3 sentences, describe what you are thankful for today
8 th Grade S.S. Miss Perry 2-3 April 2012
Nationalism is devotion and loyalty to one’s country. Typically, it develops among people who share a common language and religion and who believe that they share a common history or culture. What did it do in the 1800s?? -led to independence movements in Latin America -led to Europe creating own nations
People in Europe who were conquered by Napoleon in the early 1800s resented French domination. -wanted to rule themselves, not answer to foreign rule -wanted to unite with others who shared their language, beliefs, and customs Supported nation-states, self-governing countries made up of people with a common cultural background
Various groups in Europe wanted to rebel against foreign control. Some succeeded, some failed… -Greece won independence from Ottoman Empire in 1829, but revolutions in 1848 all failed -Hungarian and Czech nationalists in the Austrian Empire were defeated -Italians and Germans also failed to form own countries. Would succeed later
Early 1800s- Italy was divided into separate states. Austria ruled in north, Bourbon family in Sicily, Pope around Rome Nationalism grew=Italians wanted to unify as one country! After failed attempts to unify, Cavour became PM of Sardinia. Fought a war that drove Austrians north.
Then…Garibaldi gathered followers and overthrew gov’t in Sicily. Garibaldi and Cavour join lands together 1861-Italy becomes a united kingdom 10 years later, Rome becomes capital city
Germans were spread out and wanted to be unified Prussia was the larges of the German states. Austria was its closest rival. 1860s: Otto von Bismarck (PM of Prussia) built a strong army and won wars against Denmark and Austria in hopes to create a unified Germany.
Next step: war against France Southern German states sided with Prussia. Won a victory and united permanently German Empire was announced in 1871 King Wilhelm of Prussia became emperor Concentrated on building a strong military and economy