Water Resources Groundwater
Key definitions Zone of aeration – soil and rock are less saturated (some pores contain air) Zone of saturation- pores contain only water Porosity- dependant on size, shape, and degree of compaction Permeable/impermeable- permit or obstruct water flow
Key definitions Aquifer- a rock layer that is permeable to groundwater flow Aquiclude- body of rock that does not conduct water
Water table Water table- the upper limit of the water that collects in the zone of saturation Basically just the border between the saturation zone and the aeration zone
Groundwater Characteristics
Worlds largest aquifer High Plains Aquifer How did it form?
Water Withdrawal by Sector
Global Water Scarcity
Well issues…
Water Resources Surface Water
Surface Water has two primary pathways once it falls onto Earth: -overflow RUNOFF! -movement into ground (infiltration and percolation) Places with large amounts of rainfall typically have large amounts of runoff
Annual Global River Runoff
Drainage Basin Drainage divide- ridges or mountains that separate where precipitation drains –The Appalachian Mountains separate the East from the Central US
A Drainage Basin
Watershed Watershed- The water receiving area of a drainage basin
Drainage Basins
Streamflow Characteristics Stream Discharge Q (quantity of H 2 O produced) = width x depth x velocity
Stream Transport Streams transport sediment in several ways—all depend on the velocity of stream: –Dissolved load (solution): water appears clear but contains dissolved salts or other substances –Suspended load: water carries material along—usually brown muddy looking water –Bed load: large and heavy particles are pushed along the bottom (bed)
Fluvial Transport
Three Types of rivers Braided—lots of excess sand and sediment Straight—generally flow downhill and have little curve Meandering—large curvatures, snake like appearance that is constantly changing
Braided River Channel
Meandering Stream Profile
Oxbow lakes How do these lakes form? –SHORTEST PATH TO THE OCEAN!
Meandering Stream Development
Itkillik River, Alaska
Carter Lake, Iowa
Floodplains Floodplain- the flat, low-lying area flanking a stream channel that is subjected to recurrent flooding
Floodplain Features
River Deltas River delta- the mouth of a river is where it reaches base level, at this point the river slows and the depositional plain that forms is known as the delta Called ‘delta’ because of its shape
Ganges River Delta
Nile River Delta
Mississippi River Delta