for Students STAND UP Rochelle
Who in your school is not being served well? Talk with the person next to you about a particular student or group of students.
Things within our control Our relationships with students Norms we set in our classroom How we cover curriculum or attend to pacing schedules Differentiation Our assessments
Things outside our control High stakes testing New textbook series that was adopted Tracking & sorting (how kids are placed into classes/groups) Admin/colleagues/parents who have deficit views about kids
Are these really out of our control?
Is our view of mathematics to blame?
Why is it that THIS story gets told? Math = Purity
And THIS one? Mathematics teachers impart truths
Mathematics = Religion But not THIS one?
What does mathematics class ask of many students? Go along with the labels/categories we’ve placed you in Buy into a product Leave your cultures, language, emotions, & bodies outside of the classroom Just pretend this is real world Learn mathematics to become powerful
All mathematics teachers are identity workers
10 things every educator should know about mathematics 1)Modern mathematics is relatively young. 2)Mathematics’ superiority to other disciplines has no basis. 3)There isn’t one mathematics; there are many. 4)Mathematics is a verb, not a noun. 5)Mathematics has justified social inequalities as natural when they are not.
10 things every educator should know about mathematics 6)When it comes to the “achievement gap,”there is more variation within groups than between them. 7)Mathematics “ability” is not real, but the trauma associated with it is. 8)All mathematics teachers are identity workers. 9)It’s not just that people need mathematics. Mathematics needs people.
10 things every educator should know about mathematics 10) We can (re)humanize mathematics through the everyday ways in which we talk about and carry out our work.
Teaching mathematics is political Every day we make “in the moment” decisions that affect students not just in the classroom but later into their lives We overhear others talking about our students, labeling them, or creating policies that will affect them. We carry out assessments that tell them something about themselves.
A tension we face We want to follow school policies & practices, but they aren’t necessarily in the best interests of students. We love our students and want what’s best for them.
It’s not going to be easy
You’re not alone
What if I want to change my practice? Create an exit ticket that let’s students tell you how class is working for them Position a “problem” student as an expert on something Incorporate an activity or practice that can (re)humanize mathematics Create a steering committee of students who can guide your practice Develop supplementary assessments that get at more than “achievement” data
Outside your classroom, you might be thinking But, I’m not …an activist. …a trouble maker. …good at confrontations. …the kind of person people listen to.
What can I do if I don’t want to go along with the status quo? Engage in dialogue & “what if” brainstorming Turn a rational issue into a moral one Find an article/blog post that highlights your view and what research says is best for your students; share with others Write a letter to your district or OpEd section Raise the issue at a department or team meeting Suggest a book club centered on the topic
Students do not have the luxury of “leaving the conversation” if decisions are being made about them and it gets uncomfortable.
I remind myself… I cannot be a teacher if I do not perceive with even greater clarity that my practice demands of me a definition of where I stand. A break with what is not right ethically. --Paulo Freire, 1998
Call to Action Identify something that is keeping students from meaningful learning/advancement Find 1-2 other people in your building & strategize to do one thing (collectively or individually) to stand up for those students. Reconvene and report back on how it went. Post on Twitter what/who you stood up for. #changegamemath
Stand now if you plan to take the challenge Say to yourself: “I am standing for…” for Students STAND UP