INTRODUCTION Have you ever gone into your favorite department store or restaurant and wondered just how much money was in that register? Or on a larger scale, how much money they made in a month? The answer: more money than you could count! You and your partner are a team: one is a data researcher and the other a graphic artist. You will answer this question about a retail store that you choose. Let’s see just how much they have made in the last year… the answer may blow our minds! Essential Question: How much money has the retail store of your choice made over the last year? What is the appropriate graph to display this data?
TASK You and your partner will work together to research a retail store’s sales over the last year. One person will be a “researcher” and the other will be the “graphic artist”. Using the sites provided, you will create a graph and present your findings to the class. Along with your graph, you will write a short statement explaining trends that you have found, along with your personal suggestions for increasing the sales in the off months.
PROCESS 1. First, you will need to choose a partner. 2. Decide who will be the “researcher” and who will be the “artist”. (Note: while one person may be responsible for each task, the other will still assist the partner with his assignment.) 3. Now, the researcher will need to view this site and decide with the artist which store you would like to research: (First click on “Monthly Sales Summary” at the top of the page. Then, select the retail store along the left side of the page that you would like to research.)
PROCESS PAGE 2 4. After you click on the store’s name, the researcher needs to record the sales amounts from the last 12 months. Be sure to label each month Next, visit this site:. Decide which type of graph you need to use to display your data.
PROCESS PAGE 3 6. Now, the artist will create your graph to display your data. Go to the create-a-graph site: Follow the steps to create your graph. This is a very user-friendly site that we have used before. Enter your titles and information into the graph creator. (Note: for teachers and classes that have not used this site, I suggest that you play around with the site and familiarize yourself with it prior to doing this WebQuest.) PRINT THIS GRAPH!
PROCESS PAGE 4 8.Discuss the trends with your partner that you see in the graph. Think about the following questions: When are the sales up? When are sales low? Why do you think sales are high or low at certain times? 9.Write a short statement telling what the trends are for your retail store over the last year. 10.Write a short idea about how you would boost sales during the low months. 11.We will present these findings, graphs, and suggestions to the class.
EVALUATION 10 Points15 Points25 Points Graph LabelsThere is no label or title. Missing either the label OR title. Graph has correct labels and title. Trends/SuggestionsDid not identify trends or give suggestions. Missing either trends OR suggestions. Correctly identified the trends and gave suggestions for increasing sales Appropriate GraphDid not choose the best graph to represent your data. Chose the best graph to display your data. PresentationDid not discuss any of the following: trends, graph, or suggestions. Did not discuss one of the following: trends, graph, suggestions. Discussed your graph choice, trends, and suggestions.
CONCLUSION Great job!!! You have taken the role of a sales analyst and graphic artist. This task should have given you insight into the income of your favorite store as well as improved your skills in displaying data and creating graphs. Now, the next time you visit your favorite store you don’t have to WONDER how much money they make….you will KNOW!!! Check out another store! How does their competition compare with their yearly income? If you were comparing different stores, would you use the same type of graph? Interested in retail stores? Check out Chick fil A’s website and what it takes to become an owner!
CREDITS AND REFERENCES Create-a-graph: Graphing Tutorial: Retail Sails: Georgia Department of Education
GPS STANDARDS M6D1. Students will pose questions, collect data, represent and analyze the data, and interpret results. a. Formulate questions that can be answered by data. Students should collect data by using samples from a larger population (surveys), or by conducting experiments. b. Using data, construct frequency distributions, frequency tables, and graphs. c. Choose appropriate graphs to be consistent with the nature of the data (categorical or numerical). Graphs should include pictographs, histograms, bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, and line plots. d. Use tables and graphs to examine variation that occurs within a group and variation that occurs between groups. e. Relate the data analysis to the context of the questions posed.
ISTE NET STANDARDS Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers: A. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS. Teachers: A. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. B. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.