1.Coal, oil, gas and wood are all fuels. When they are burned they release energy. 2.Coal, oil and gas are fossil fuels. They are called non-renewable energy resources because it takes millions of years to replace the fossil fuels we have used. 3.The more economically we use these fuels, the longer they will last Fossil fuels
1.Electricity is generated in power stations using an energy resource. It is a very convenient energy source because it can be turned off and on easily. 2.In most power stations, energy from a fuel is used to heat water and turn it into steam. This steam can be used to drive turbines which drive generators which produce electricity. 3.Fossil fuels can be used or nuclear fuel such as uranium and plutonium Power stations
Generator Generator
Coal-fired Power station
Power stations
Pros of fossil fuels
1.Wood is a renewable energy source because more trees can be grown to replace those that have been cut down 2.Wind, waves, sunlight, running water and tides are also renewable energy resources Renewable energy resource
1.Renewable energy sources can be used to drive turbines directly 2.In some areas, hot radioactive rocks below the surface can be used as a source of heat energy. Water is sent in pipes down to the hot rocks and pumped back up as steam. The steam can be used to drive turbines which drive generators which produce electricity. 3.Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy directly in solar cells Alternative power stations Alternative power station
Geothermal Power Station Geothermal power station
Geothermal Power Station Geothermal power station
Wave Power Wave power
Hydroelectric Power Station Hydroelectric power station
Wind Power Station Wind power station
1.Wind farms depend on wind for operation. They can be considered to be an eyesore and noisy to some people. 2.Tidal barrages can change the habitat of organisms and this can affect their chances of survival 3.Hydroelectricity involves damming and flooding valleys. This means farmland or forest areas are destroyed. Cons of renewable energy
1.Nuclear power stations do not release greenhouse gases or gases which help to produce acid rain into the environment. 2.The only waste is radioactive material which must be stored safely for thousands of years. 3.However, an accident at the power station could cause large amounts of a very dangerous radioactive material to be released over a wide area. Nuclear power stations
Nuclear Fission Nuclear fission
Nuclear Power Stations Nuclear power stations
Nuclear Power Station Nuclear power station
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