MAX IV linac overview and scope of automation Sara Thorin
The MAX IV linac Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun
The MAX IV linac Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun 2 Electron guns -Thermionic RF gun -High brightness photo cathode gun (+ laser system)
The MAX IV linac Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun 2 Electron guns -Thermionic RF gun -High brightness photo cathode gun (+ laser system) 39 linac structures 18 (soon 20) RF stations SLED LLRF + MDL 3 GeV with ~ 400 MeV redundancy
The MAX IV linac Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun 2 Electron guns -Thermionic RF gun -High brightness photo cathode gun (+ laser system) 39 linac structures 18 (soon 20) RF stations SLED LLRF + MDL 3 GeV with ~ 400 MeV redundancy 2 Bunch 260 MeV 3 GeV
The MAX IV linac Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun 2 Electron guns -Thermionic RF gun -High brightness photo cathode gun (+ laser system) 39 linac structures 18 (soon 20) RF stations SLED LLRF + MDL 3 GeV with ~ 400 MeV redundancy 2 Bunch 260 MeV 3 GeV Transferlines to the 1.5 GeV 3 GeV
MAX IV linac operation modes Full energy injection and top up operation for the two storage rings Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun
MAX IV linac operation modes Full energy injection and top up operation for the two storage rings Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun Thermionic gun Energy1.5 GeV/ 3GeV Rep rate10 Hz Charge0.6-1 nC/shot Emittance< 10 mm mrad Energy spread<0.2%
MAX IV linac operation modes Full energy injection and top up operation for the two storage rings Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun Thermionic gun Energy1.5 GeV/ 3GeV Rep rate10 Hz Charge0.6-1 nC/shot Emittance< 10 mm mrad Energy spread<0.2% Photo cathode gun Energy1.5 GeV/ 3GeV Rep rate10 Hz Charge0.6-1 nC/shot Emittance< 2 mm mrad Energy spread<< 0.2%
MAX IV linac operation modes Full energy injection and top up operation for the two storage rings Kicker & septum Extraction 3 GeV 260 MeV SPF 3 GeV MAX IV linac layout Extraction 1.5 GeV L2A L2B L3A L9B L19B L1B L0 Thermionic RF gun Photo cathode RF gun Thermionic gun Energy1.5 GeV/ 3GeV Rep rate10 Hz Charge0.6-1 nC/shot Emittance< 10 mm mrad Energy spread<0.2% Photo cathode gun Energy1.5 GeV/ 3GeV Rep rate10 Hz Charge0.6-1 nC/shot Emittance< 2 mm mrad Energy spread<< 0.2% High brightness driver for the Short Pulse Facility Photo cathode gun Energy3GeV Rep rate100 Hz Charge100 pC Bunch length100 fs Emittance1 mm mrad Energy spread<0.4%
Automation Switching operation mode ● RF power/ SLED filltime ● RF phase ● Rep rate ● Cooling ● Dipoles ON/OFF ● Optics ● Trajectory correction ● Trigger source/synchronisation ● Laser shutter ● Laser mode
Automation Switching operation mode ● RF power/ SLED filltime ● RF phase ● Rep rate ● Cooling ● Dipoles ON/OFF ● Optics ● Trajectory correction ● Trigger source/synchronisation ● Laser shutter ● Laser mode During operation ● Feedback – Energy – Phase – Bunch Length – Trajectory – Laser drifts – Charge drift ● Alarm/error handling – Energy compensation (one modulator goes down or power reduced, compensate with others) – Vacuum interlocks – …