Energy Flow
Latin Word Meanings Word PartMeaningWord PartMeaning Auto-SelfCarn-Flesh Hetero-DifferentHerb-Plants -trophNutrition/feedi ng habits Omni-All/every -voreTo eatDetri-Rub off/break down
Autotrophs & Heterotrophs the sunAn autotroph is an organism that collects energy from the sun in order to produce food. Autotrophs may also be called producers consumingHeterotrophs obtain their energy from consuming other organisms. Also called consumers.
Classification for Obtaining Energy Definition Herbivore A heterotroph that eats only plants Carnivore A heterotroph that preys on other heterotrophs Omnivore A heterotroph that eats both plants and animals Detritivore An organism that eats dead or decaying matter to return nutrients into the system to be reused by other organisms
Food Chain Model showing how energy flows through an ecosystem. Somewhat brief demonstrations of how energy travels but does not account for the continuous energy cycling that actually occurs.
Food Web Model representing the many interconnected pathways in which energy flows through a group of organisms
Trophic Levels Each step in a food chain or food web is called a trophic level Autotrophs make up the first level Heterotrophs make up the remaining levels –Herbivores –Primary carnivores –Secondary carnivores –Tertiary carnivores