Biology Core Review GOOD LUCK.  The goal of this presentation is to present a quick overview of the Biology Core Concepts. There are a total of 5 Standards.


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Presentation transcript:

Biology Core Review GOOD LUCK

 The goal of this presentation is to present a quick overview of the Biology Core Concepts. There are a total of 5 Standards to be covered. This is an introduction only, using logic is still your best tool available.

Standard 1  Students will understand that living organisms interact with one another and their environment.

Ecosystems  Interactions in a community, the communities physical surroundings.

Can they affect each other?

Stnd. 1 Obj. 1  Summarize how energy flows through an ecosystem.

Food chain and Web  Who eats who?  Consumer?  Producer?

Energy loss

Energy Costs: Comparison  Cost’s energy to get energy.  Migration  Hibernation

Stan. 1 Obj. 2  Explain relationships between matter cycles and organisms.


WATER: THE KEY TO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inference VS Evidence  Inference: reasoning, existing knowledge.  Evidence: Based on facts and or results.

Human Decisions?

Stan. 1 Obj. 3  Describe how interactions among organisms and their environments help shape ecosystems.

 Predator: Killers  Prey: little fellas  Competition: Who wins the trophy?

SYMBIOSIS  Association among organisms.  Mutualism (++)  Commensalism (+0)  Parasitism (+-)

Which one?

One change = Keystone

Biotic vs Abiotic factors  Biotic = living or life  Abiotic = Nonliving factor

ECOSYSTEMS EFFECTS  Qualitative versus Quantitative