By Cherry Lu.  Knowledge objectives :  1. You should be able to understand the letter of enquiry and reply.  2. You should be able to grasp the useful.


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Presentation transcript:

by Cherry Lu

 Knowledge objectives :  1. You should be able to understand the letter of enquiry and reply.  2. You should be able to grasp the useful expressions related to enquiries and replies.  Capability objectives :  1. You should be able to distinguish general enquiry from specific enquiry.  2. You should be able to make general enquiries effectively.  3. You should be able to enquire about the detailed information of the commodities you are interested in.  4. You should be able to reply to enquiries and make sure to answer all of the questions.  5. You should be able to make enquiries of your new customers’ credit standing. 

 In foreign trade, when a buyer wants to get some information about the goods or services from a seller/supplier, he or she may consider writing a letter of enquiry. Enquiry letters pose a question or request to the seller with the intention of persuading the seller to respond.  If it is the first enquiry, it is quite similar to the letter of establishing business relations. It should begin by telling him how you obtained his information, your business scope, any information about the goods that you want to know. The first enquiry means that it is the first time for the buyer to send an enquiry to a seller whom you have not previously trade with.  In terms of the contents, enquiries can be classified as general enquiry and specific enquiry. In a general enquiry, a buyer just states the general information he needs, requesting a catalogue, or price list, a sample or sample book, etc. In a specific enquiry, he points out what product he needs. He may also ask for a catalogue, a price list, samples, etc., or ask for an offer.

 Lead in  Discuss:  1. What is the aim of making enquiries?  To get information about the goods to be ordered, such as price, catalogue, delivery date and other terms.  2. What is a “first enquiry”?  A “ first enquiry ” is an enquiry sent to a supplier whom you have not previously dealt with, should begin by telling him how you obtained his name, some details of your own business, such as the kind of goods handled, quantities needed, usual terms of trade and any information likely to enable the supplier to decide what he can do for you, will also help.

 3. What is “ general enquiry ” ?  A businessman states clearly all the information he needs — general information, a catalogue, or price list, a sample or sample book, etc.  4. What is specific enquiry?  He points out what product he wants. He may ask for a catalogue, a price list, sample, etc, or ask for an offer.

 Mar Galaxy Co., Ltd. is an importer and has received a letter form Yihong Furniture Factory who wants to establish business relations. Mar Galaxy Co., Ltd. is going to make an enquiry of Yihong Furniture Factory about the furniture, because he is particularly interested in the following comfort spring mattress in the catalogue of Yihong Furniture Factory. Please write the letter of enquiry to Yihong Furniture Factory. Comfort Spring Mattress No. A-2H31 Size: Double: 137x190x24cm; 54"x75"x9.4" Type: Spring Colour: White  1. Task  comfort spring mattress 舒适型弹簧床垫

1 Tell the recipient why you are contacting his company. Your company was recommended to me by Ms. Dora Wong of Far Logistics. We want to make enquiry about the mattress. Part Content Example 2 Tell the recipient what you want. We are interested in your products. We would like you to send us your catalogue. 3Express your thanks or your hope. We look forward to doing business with your company in the future. A standard enquiry letter has roughly three paragraphs:  2. Writing Skills 

 Letter 1 Making a general enquiry March 21, 2013 Dear Sir, We met last Friday on your stand at the East Asian Trade Expo.. We are dealing in retail trade of furniture. We are interested in selling your products through our retail showroom. We should be grateful if you would send us your illustrated catalogue and price list. We hope you can supply the furniture at attractive price. If you want to know more about our credit standing, you can refer to Bank of America, New York Branch. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours truly, Joyce  3. Specimen Letters

 Notes:  1. stand  booth  摊位,展位  2. East Asian Trade Expo. 东亚贸易博览会  exposition 博览会;展览会  exhibition  3. deal in: sell or be concerned with commercially  E.g.: We have dealt in men's clothing for many years.  deal with: do business with  E.g.: We have dealt with that firm for many years. 4. retail 零售  wholesale 批发  distribute 经销,分销

 5. showroom 陈列室  6. illustrated catalogue 附有插图的目录  7. at attractive price  8. credit standing 资信情况  financial standing 财务状况  5. refer to  refer to 提到,谈及, 涉及  refer to sb. for sth. 向某人打听某事  E.g.  A. 请向中国银行顺德分行查询我方资信情况。  Please refer to the Bank of China, Shunde Branch for our credit standing.  B. 有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。  For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.

 Letter 2 Making a general enquiry Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for sending your catalogue last week. We are interested in your goods. There are several things we would like to clarify before going ahead with a firm order. 1. Do you allow any discount on the quantity of 10,000 pieces? 2. We want to know the period of time it takes to deliver the articles. 3. We have the logo of a company which we would like to send to you. Can you show me a sample of how the finished product will be? 4. If we need to buy 10,000 items, can some of them be printed with the logo and others not? In this case, is it the same price? If we can reach an agreement on these matters, we are sure that we can do more business with you in the future. Yours faithfully, Nado Furniture Factory Manager

 Notes:  1. clarify  2. allow... discount 给予 …… 折扣  3. deliver  4. finished product 成品  5. article, item  6. reach an agreement 达成协议

 Letter 3 Making a general enquiry Dear Sir or Madam, We get your information from Global Sources. We are looking for a manufacturer of bathroom appliances. We are a well-known company that has been in the market for 25 years. You are respectfully requested to send us your products information according to the items below: FOB prices Material Minimum order quantity Delivery time Terms of payment Certification Requirements: CE certification We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Christy

 Notes:  1. Global Sources 环球资源  环球资源是一个商对商( business-to-business , B2B )多渠道的 国际贸易平台,亦是大中华地区双边贸易的主要促进者。 Global Sources 植根中国大陆达 28 年,于全国设有 44 个办事机构并拥有超 过 2500 位团队成员。环球资源以外贸见长,主要为专业买家提供采 购信息,并为供货商提供综合的市场推广服务。 Global Sources 为 其所服务的行业提供最广泛的媒体及出口市场推广服务,供货商采 用公司四项基本服务,包括网站、专业杂志、展览会和网上直销服 务进行出口市场推广。 Global Sources 并同时提供广告创作、教育 项目和网上内容管理等支持服务。环球资源在外贸方面的表现非常 抢眼,并在 2007 年推出中文内贸网,帮助中国的内贸公司和希望进 入中国市场的海外公司拓展新业务。  网址:

 2. bathroom appliances 卫浴用品  3. minimum order quantity 缩写: MOQ 订单的最低起订量  minimum quantity 最低起订量  4. delivery time 发货期,交货期  delivery date 发货期,交货期  5. terms of payment 支付方式  6. CE  CE 是法语缩写,代表 CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE 。英文可以 理解为 CONFORMITY WITH EUROPEAN ( DEMA ND )(符合 欧洲(要求))。在欧盟市场 “CE” 标志属强制性认证标志, 不论是欧盟内部企业生产的产品,还是其他国家生产的产品, 要想在欧盟市场上自由流通,就必须加贴 “CE” 标志,以表明 产品符合欧盟《技术协调与标准化新方法》指令的基本要求。 这是欧盟法律对产品提出的一种强制性要求。

 Letter 4 Making a specific enquiry Dear Sir, We thank you for your of June 5 together with the illustrated catalogue. We would appreciate that if you could send us your best quotation for TV Stand LDW-520, CIF New York. For our customer is interested in importing a range of TV Stands, we need the goods urgently. Please give us a favourable quotation as soon as possible and state clearly the quantity available and the earliest time of shipment. And we want to know whether there is any minimum order quantity. If your price is competitive, we expect to place a large order with you. We trust you will give your prompt and careful attention to the enquiry. Yours faithfully, Jennifer

 Notes:  1. best quotation  favourable quotation 优惠的报价  2. TV Stand 电视架  3. need urgently 急需(动词词组)  urgent need 急需(名词词组)  4. time of shipment 装运期  shipment time/date 装运期

 Translation:  1. 请报你方最优惠的上海到岸价, 并说明折扣、支付方式、 可供数量和最早交货日期。  Please give us a favourable quotation CIF shanghai, stating discount, terms of payment, quantity available and the earliest time of delivery.

 Discuss:  What is the difference between the general enquiries and specific enquiries according to the above letters?  Can you point out what is the essential information that you should cover when you write a letter of enquiry?

 Letter 5 Making a status enquiry lead in lead in

Is he a good partner? Does he have enough money? Is he cheating me? Does the company run well? 1). What aspects you should consider when you do business with a new customer?

Company Status Financial standing 财务状况 Capital 资金状况 Credit standing 信用状况 Business Operation 运作情况 Reputation 信誉 Confidence You may want to know the following information by sending status enquiries letters:

2). Why ask the banks to give the status information of other firms? 2). Why ask the banks to give the status information of other firms? 3). Can you name the following banks in English?

 Letter 5 Making a status enquiry Dear Sir, We have received a letter from the Mar Galaxy Co., Ltd. in America who wants to conclude some transactions with us. As stated in their letter, their reference is Bank of America, New York Branch. We want to know the financial and credit standing of the above-mentioned company, especially because they require open account as the payment terms, which we seldom grant to new customers. We shall be most grateful for your help and we can assure you that any information you may give us will be treated in absolute confidence. Yours sincerely, Roy

 Notes:  1. conclude some transactions with sb.  2. reference 证明人  3. open account 赊账 缩写: O/A  4. confidence 秘密  in absolute confidence 绝对保密  in strict confidence 

 After received the letter from Guangdong Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. in project 3, Sunny Trading Pty. Ltd. made an enquiry as follows, please reply to the letter on January 9,  1. Task January 8, 2013 Dear John, Thank you for your letter of January 6, and we are glad to know that you want to enter into business relations with us. We are quite interested in your products listed in the catalogue. We would like to know more details about your prices, quality, discounts and terms of payment. We are one of the leading dealers in this line and believe there is a promising market for your products because there is a heavy demand for the small household electric appliances in our area. Yours faithfully, Sunny Trading Pty. Ltd. Alexandra

January 6, 2013 Dear Sir, We have learned from that you are a leading importer of household electric appliances. We are writing to you with a view to establishing business relations with you. We, therefore, take pleasure in informing you that we are one of the largest manufacturers in our country and have handled a wide range of home appliances, including: electric kettle, coffee maker, toaster, vacuum cleaner, induction cookers and so on. We believe you will find our products will be good sellers in your market. We enclose a copy of our latest catalogue covering the details of all the items available at present. We hope you will find plenty to interest you in it. Your early reply would be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Guangdong Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. John January 8, 2013 Dear John, Thank you for your letter of January 6, and we are glad to know that you want to enter into business relations with us. We are quite interested in your products listed in the catalogue. We would like to know more details about your prices, quality, discounts and terms of payment. We are one of the leading dealers in this line and believe there is a promising market for your products because there is a heavy demand for the small household electric appliances in our area. Yours faithfully, Sunny Trading Pty. Ltd. Alexandra

1 Acknowledge receipt of an enquiry Thank you for your enquiry of September 5. Part Content Example 2 Provide the information requested and additional information. We have sent the latest catalogue and price list to you. 3Establish goodwill and express your hope. We hope that this information will help you to make decisions on your order. A standard enquiry letter has roughly three paragraphs:  2. Writing Skills 

 Letter 6 Reply to letter 1 March 22, 2013 Dear Joyce, With reference to your enquiry of March 21, we are pleased to know that you are interested in our commodities. As requested, we are enclosing our catalogue for 2013 and price list giving the details you asked for. You will note that our line of Sofa Bed is on special offer. We feel confident that you will find the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. We would be pleased to make quotation if you could provide us with more detailed information. We have already sold some of those products to your country and they are well received. We can supply many kinds of bedroom furniture and living room furniture with high quality solid wood. We look forward to doing business with you in the future. Yours sincerely, Roy  3. Specimen Letters

 Notes:  1. with reference to 关于  2. enquiry ( n.) : a request for information on supply of certain goods  enquiry (English), inquiry (America)  Eg: We are pleased to have your enquiry for our raincoat.  Our offer will be made on receipt of your specific enquiry.  enquire/inquire (v.) 询问  We are writing to you to enquire the current price of your table- cloth.  enquire of sb. about sth. 向某人咨询某物  Mr. Smith enquire of Jack about the price.  E.g.: 我们想陈经理询问了红茶的品种、质量、价格等。  We have enquired of Manager Chen about the varieties, quality and price of the black tea. 

 3. as requested  according to your request  in compliance with your request  E.g. 按照你的要求,我们将于 11 月前装运。  As requested, we will make shipment before November.  4. line: branch of business  E.g.: We have been engaged for many years in the line of bathroom appliances.  5. both excellent in quality and reasonable in price  E.g. 我们另邮寄样品一批,深信你们有机会查看后, 定会 相信该产品价廉物美。  We are sending you under separate cover a range of samples and feel confident that when you have a chance to examine them, you will feel confident that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.

 6. Sofa Bed 沙发床  7. bedroom furniture 卧室家具  8. living room furniture 客厅家具  9. solid wood 实木  10. do business with sb.  trade with sb.

 Letter 7 Reply to letter 4 Dear Jennifer, Thank you for your enquiry regarding our newly released range of TV Stand. We would like to send you quotation as follows: Commodity: TV Stand LDW-520 Quantity: 1000 pieces Price: USD 80 CIF New York per piece Payment: irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 20 days before the shipment time. Shipment: one month after receiving your L/C The quotation is subject to our final confirmation. We have confidence in the quality of our TV stands. They enjoy great popularity in the European countries with their fashionable style, sophisticated design and durability. Look forward to your order. Yours faithfully, Carat

 Notes:  1. newly released  2. irrevocable L/C  3. draft at sight  4. shipment date /shipment time  date of shipment/time of shipment  5. be subject to 以 …… 为准, 以 …… 为条件  The quotation is subject to our final confirmation  6. sophisticate 精致的,精细的  7. durability 

 Letter 8 making reply Dear MS. Coates, Thank you for your enquiry dated 8 October. We are glad to know that you are interested in our lounge chairs and inflatable sofa chairs. The samples you have requested are now available. Samples are free of charge, but according to our company’s policy, the customer must pay the shipping cost. Samples will be sent immediately as soon as the shipping charges US$100 is transferred to our account. Sorry for the inconvenience, we hope this will not stand in the way of our future relationship. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours faithfully, Anita Lo

 Notes:  1. lounge chair 躺椅,沙发床  2. inflatable sofa chair 充气沙发椅  3. shipping cost  4. shipping charges 运费  

 Letter 9 making reply Dear Sirs, We have received your enquiry of 16 January 2013, asking for detailed information about our mattress. We regret to tell you that we have no stock of the goods you required for the time being. As you perhaps know, there has been a heavy demand for the goods since last year. We are consequently fully committed at the moment and are unable to meet your demand. We assure you that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. We are enclosing two copies of our catalog covering all the articles available at present. Should you want other goods, please let us know. Yours faithfully, Cynthia

 Notes:  1. your enquiry of 16 January 2013  your letter of 16 January 2013  your offer of 16 January 2013  2. stock 库存  out of stock  a limited stock of furniture  a large stock  out of stock  3. a heavy demand 大量的需求  a great demand 大量的需求  growing demand 增长的需求  overfull demand 过多  demand and supply 供求  a steady demand 稳定的需求  4. commit 承诺,保证  5. meet one’s demand 

 Letter 10 making reply Dear Vincent, We are pleased to receive your of April 29, which asked for the technical information of our products. We regret to say that we cannot give the technical information to you. The fact is that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential. We hope this will not cause you any inconvenience. Look forward to our future cooperation. Yours sincerely, Janice

 Notes:  1. technical information 技术资料  2. confidential 机密的

 Letter 11 making reply January 9, 2013 Dear Alexandra, We are very pleased to receive your letter enquiring about our products. As requested, we enclose our price list for your reference. Also by separate post we are sending you some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. We allow a proper discount according to the quantity ordered. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft. Our goods are rapidly becoming popular because of their high quality, low noise and safety. After studying our prices you will learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand. But if you place your order not later than the end of this month, we would ensure prompt shipment. We look forward to receiving your first order. Yours faithfully, Guangdong Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. John

 Notes:  1. meet the demand 满足需求  meet the requirement 满足要求  3. prompt shipment 即装  

 In each blank space write a word that fits naturally  Dear Sir,  ____________ reference to your letter of December 12, 2008, we are glad to learn that you wish to ____________trade relations _____________ our corporation in the __________of computers.  __________requested, we are sending you ___________ separate post a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets __________ your reference. We feel confident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in __________ and ___________ in price  If any of the items listed in the catalogue___________ your requirement, please let us have your ___________ enquiry, and we will send our quotation to you as soon as possible.  We are looking forward to your _____________.  Yours faithfully