Great Expectations Chapters By: Kassidy Blevins, Josh Yandell, Katie Darnell, Madison Stiffler, Brock Flax, Tyler Marshall, Mark O’malia
Mrs. Brandley- a widow, has a daughter, looks young, owner of house in which Estella stays Daughter of Mrs. Brandley- older than Estella, looks old, yellow complexion Abel Magwitch- the convicts real name, Pip’s benefactor Compeyson- the man that stood Miss Havisham up on their wedding day, the other convict in the marshes, befriended Magwitch at a young age, but the two are no longer on good terms Arthur- Miss Havisham’s half brother, worked with Compeyson Molly- Jaggers’ housekeeper, resembles Estella Characters
Clara- the girl Herbert is in love with, charming, fairy like, around 20 Mr. Barley (Old Barley)- always has rum, Clara’s dad, “drunken ogre” Mrs. Whimple- housewife, motherly to Clara, elderly Characters cont.
Chapter 38- Estella is staying with Mrs. Brandley in London, and Pip spends a lot of time with them. Pip and Estella visit the Satis House and Pip realizes that Miss Havisham is having Estella torment and taunt men to seek revenge. Pip catches Estella giving Drummle smiles and glances and talks to her about him. Chapter 39- On a very dark and stormy night, Pip hears footsteps outside his door, and goes outside to find it is the convict. The convict comes inside and confesses he is Pip’s benefactor. Pip is speechless. Chapter Summaries
Chapter 40- Pip trips on a stranger on the staircase and goes to get the watchman but when they return the man is gone. Pip decides to call the convict his uncle known as Mr. Provis. Pip speaks with Mr. Jaggers about how a man named Abel Magwitch “informs” Pip that he is his benefactor. Chapter 41- Pip tells his guests when Herbert returns home that he has a problem with them staying there. Pip realizes what a good friend Herbert has been to him and Magwitch leaves. Herbert tells Pip that he shouldn’t use Magwitch’s money anymore. Pip and Herbert help Magwitch run from the police. Chapter Summaries cont.
Chapter 42- Magwitch tells people that he was an orphan as a child. He was a criminal at a young age and met a gentlemen named Compeyson who took Magwitch under his wing. Magwitch knew that Compeyson was engaged at the time but didn’t tell Pip and Herbert about it. Compeyson was the man that stood Miss Havisham up on their wedding day. Chapter 43- Pip goes to the Satis house. He has to visit Estella one last time. Pip knows that he has to forget about her because of a conversation he had with Drummle. Chapter Summaries cont.
Chapter 44- During Pip’s visit to the Satis house, Miss Havisham tells Pip that she let him think that she was his benefactor knowing all along that Magwitch was the benefactor. Estella tells Pip that she never had real feelings for him and that she is engaged to Drummle, right after Pip tells Estella that he loves her. Miss Havisham feels bad for Pip. On his way home he received a note from Wemmick that said “Don’t go home”. Chapter 45- Pip decides to stay the night at a motel. Everything makes Pip think of Estella. He didn’t know what the “Don’t go home” note meant, so he asked Wemmick and Pip found out that Magwitch was being hidden at Clara’s house and Pip goes to find him. Chapter Summaries cont.
Chapter 46- Pip goes to Clara’s house where Magwitch is being kept. Pip finally meets Clara and Mr. Barley. Pip doesn’t tell Magwitch that Compeyson came back. Pip buys a rowboat for Magwitch to sail over the river and escape. Chapter 47- Pip feels troubled about Estella and Drummle’s marriage. He tries to focus his attention on Magwitch, and decides not to spend any more of his money. To forget his worries, Pip goes to the theatre to see a play. Afterwards, Wopsle tells Pip that sitting in the audience behind him was one of the convicts from the battle on the marsh. Pip realizes that Compeyson must be following him and rushes home to tell Wemmick and Herbert. Chapter Summaries cont.
Chapter 48- Pip goes to dinner with Mr. Jaggers and they talk about everything. Molly walks in while they were talking about Estella and Pip notices that she looks a lot like Estella. He assumes that Molly is Estella’s mother. He asks Jaggers about her and quickly learns that she was accused of killing a women and lost her daughter. Chapter 49- Pip visits the Satis house to confront Miss Havisham about Molly. Miss Havisham feels so bad for what she did to Pip. He asks her who Estella’s real mom was and she said she didn’t know her name. Pip forgave Miss Havisham for what she did to him. While outside, Pip sees through the window Miss Havisham caught on fire. He rushes in to save her. Chapter Summaries cont.
“ I must be taken as I have been made. The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together make me.” (Dickens 4882) “As to what I dare, I’m an old bird now, as has dared all manner of traps since first he was fledged, and I’m not afeerd to perch upon a scarecrow.” (Dickens 5282) Quotes
1. Who is Pip’s mysterious benefactor? a) Mr. Jaggers b) Mrs. Havisham c) Tyler Marshall d) Abel Magwitch 2.Who gets engaged in Chapter 44? a) Pip and Estella b) Drummle and Estella c) Pip and Biddy d) none of the above Quiz Questions
3.Who is Molly? a) Mr. Jaggers’ wife b) Miss Havisham’s sister c) Mr. Jaggers’ housekeeper d) Pip’s friend 4.Molly is Estella’s birth mother. TRUE or FALSE 5. What is the name of the gentleman that Magwitch befriended when he was young? Quiz Questions cont.
1.Why do you think Estella left Pip for Drummle? Explain. 2.Why do you think Miss Havisham led Pip to thinking that she was his benefactor? Explain. Discussion Questions
Power Point- Kassidy, Katie, Madison, Josh, Brock Chapter Summaries- Kassidy Characters- Madison Quotes- Katie Discussion questions- Katie Quiz questions- Josh Presenters- Brock, Tyler & Mark Credits