EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND Interregional cooperation and smart specialisation PERIA final conference 9 October 2012 Stefania Amorosi | Finance Officer
2 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October PERIA Project strengths FOCUS Exchange of experience TOPIC European added-value PARTNERSHIP Geographic coverage all 4 programme areas represented RESULTS (PR4) 40 staff members with increased capacity 52 GPs identified
3 3 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October 2012 INTERREG IVC in a nutshell Innovation and the knowledge economy Environment and risk prevention in the fields of ‘Learning by sharing’ Local / regional authorities access the experience of others in Europe facing similar issues to improve their practices / policies 1. Programme features in 27 EU MS + Norway + Switzerland € 302M available for projects
4 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October projects partners All budget committed Overview approved projects 2. State of play and achievements Innovation & knowledge economy Environment & risk prevention
5 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October State of play and achievements Programme achievements (as of June 2011) 90% of EU NUTS 2 regions covered Objective: EU wide exchange of experience / capacity building 3,549 staff with increased capacity 88 ‘spin-off activities’ Objective: Identification / sharing / transfer of good practices 2,835 good practices identified 151 successfully transferred Overall objective: Improvement of regional and local policies 1,250 policies addressed 118 policies improved
6 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October Contribution to Smart specialisation Through international comparison and peer reviews opportunity for benchmarking enables to understand own position
7 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October 2012 Through thematic capitalisation 3. Smart specialisation Could inspire regional strategies into 12 domains: Creative industries Entrepre- neurship Sustainable transport Climate change Innovation systems Innovation capacity of SMEs Energy efficiency Renewable energy Eco- innovation E- government services Demographic change Rural development
8 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October 2012 Through projects 3. Contribution to smart specialisation E.g. 3 fourth call projects dedicated to smart specialisation: TRES – Mobilising the innovation capacity and potential of regions towards smart growth BORDWIIS+ – Innovation capacity and potential of regions towards smart growth KNOW-HUB – Smart specialisation strategies and effective instruments of innovation policies to develop Regions' own comparative advantages
9 PERIA final conference I Brussels I 9 October 2012 Thanks for your attention!