The anatomy of the Plantar Fascia What is Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosis for Plantar Fasciitis Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis Preventing Plantar Fasciitis Lifestyles that cause Plantar Fasciitis
A ligament that runs along the plantar aspect of the foot. Originates at calcaneus Inserts at the metatarsals
The pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia
Slow developing pain Acute pain after intense activity Tenderness over plantar fascia Stiffness Swelling Redness
Pain worst with: First steps in the morning After sitting/standing for long time Climbing stairs After intense activity
Physical Examination X-Ray to rule out other causes of pain
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAIDS) › Ibuprofen/Aleve Pain reducer › Acetaminophen/Tylenol Rest Ice
Stretching/ Massaging Night Splint Arch supports/ Heel cups Steroid shots Surgery
Flexibility of: › Ankle › Achilles tendon › Plantar Fascia › Calf muscles
Flat feet/ High arch Long- distance running Running on uneven surfaces Tight Achilles Poor arch support