Mouth-watering! Taiwanese Food!
Photo from: pg In your minds In their minds
What is the most unusual food in the world? Photo from: Pig’s blood cake
Please discuss the four questions below. 1.How do we usually cook? 2.How do we describe food flavor? 3.If you don’t like a dish, what will you say? 4.If you like a dish, what will you say?
Words to describe food(I) Ways to cook fry (deep fry/pan fry) stew Steam grill Smoke pickle Flavor/taste Sour/Sweet/Bitter/Spicy/hot Salty Rich Plain Dry Peppery Fruity juicy
Words to describe food Positive Delicious Yummy Tempting Mouth- watering Gorgeous Appetizing tender Negative Harsh Tasteless Disgusting Unappetizing tough
Review---Jeopardy 1.There are three kinds of questions. 2.To answer the questions, please raise your hand. The quickest can answer the question first. 3.The group who get highest scores can get a special prize.
Linking Verbs (I) Itsmellsterrible. The namesoundsinteresting. Itlooksstrange. Ittastesdelicious. Ifeelsurprised. The showisinteresting. The weatherbecomescold. My sistergetsangry. Anything special about linking verbs?
Linking Verbs (II) Itlooks likea cat Your sockssmell likefish The meattastes likebeef The noisesounds likea train Itfeels likea doll Anything special about linking verbs? What is missing?
Linking Verbs (III) AB is become get taste feel smell sound look + 形容詞 + like + 名詞
Make Puzzles 1.Make two puzzles with linking verbs. 2. One puzzle is about well-known Taiwanese food. The other is about animals. 3. Time: 5 minutes.
Task embedded embedded Task: (1)Context: Each group is going to run a stand in Shanghai Expo. (2) Task: Please use your creativity to design an A3-Sized poster to attract more customers. (3)Requirements: Name of the food (Give it an attractive name!) Use linking verbs and appropriate adjectives Picture(s) (4) Winner: Everyone can vote to decide which group is the winner.