Grade 5 Lesson 2.10 Comparing Millions, Billions and Trillions Objective: To provide experience with comparing the relative sizes of 1 million, 1 billion, and 1 trillion and using a sample to make an estimate.
Math Message Explain the strategy you would use to find the number of minutes in one year (do this in your ISN).
Take a look at page 57 -workbook What is 1,000 times 1 Million? 1 Billion has what relationship to 1 Trillion? (Hint: Use the useful information chart at the top of the page) Complete the rest of page 57 – Tapping problems Before you gather any data to help you make an estimate, you can only guess at the answer.
Tapping Problems How will YOU go about finding the answer to this tapping problem? I suggest having someone time you tapping for one minute, while you count how many you can do. What would you do with that information?
Question If a person could tap 24 hours a day per day without stopping, would it be possible to tap 1 trillion times? Why or why not? Explain this answer in your ISN (write down the question and answer it in full sentences, please)
Homework & Enrichment Study link 2.10 – Page 61 Is the Homework for this lesson. Place Value Puzzles Enrichment: Number stories and Estimation – Page 62