Query Health Operations Workgroup Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Framework October 13, :00am – 12:00pm ET
Participation Instructions for WebEx Please Note: This session will be recorded Lines are open so please mute your line to avoid “Music on Hold” 1.Select the “Q&A” button in the WebEx toolbar. 2.Select “All Panelists” in the Q&A box. 3.Type your question and hit send. 4.We’ll call on you to state your comment / question.
Agenda Meeting Introduction & Review of Operations Workgroup Goals Review of HITPC Tiger Team Recommendations Discuss Operational Requirements for Query Health Review comments on Best Practice Considerations Validate and define Operational Requirements for Regulatory Issues (Privacy & Security) Open discussion / Next Steps
Defined Goals of Operations Workgroup Documented and Detailed the Operations Requirements for User Stories and inclusion in the Use Case and Requirements document being prepared by Clinical Working Group; Ensure linkage between the Query Health Initiative and the guidance received from the Health IT Policy Committee (HITPC) and the Privacy and Security Tiger Team, and; Preparation of guidance documents (as prioritized by the work group), such as those related to: Adherence to privacy and security requirements and considerations; Evaluation of transaction cost / time to implement distributed queries; Other operational guidance (or feedback to other responsible groups) Review of Operations Workgroup Goals
Public Health Considerations: –Query Health should not substitute new Data Use Agreements or other restrictions and agreements to Public Health –Public Health should not be equated with research and has well established rules and accountability. –Any Public Health Query must be evaluated for feasibility and urgency of responses. –Clarification around the use of PHI: “For a public health permitted use, individually identifiable health information may be provided by the disclosing entity to the public health agency consistent with applicable law and regulation.” Restrictions on Data Use: –There should be clear agreement between the data source and the information request covering use or reuse of the query result data. –The Data Use Agreement should permit follow-up queries based on previous query results as long as the data source controls all decisions to release data. Pilots Considerations –The use of pilots is particularly valuable for uncovering issues with the sandbox restrictions, data use agreements and governance that can be addressed as policy issues by the HITPC. Recommendations from HITPC for the Operations WG
Review Best Practice Considerations Validate and define Operational Requirements for Regulatory Issues (Privacy & Security)- TODAY’S FOCUS Review of Operations Requirements from the Use Case
Continue to validate/define Operations Requirements Regulatory Issues Assumptions Risks, Issues and Obstacles We will send out a summary of today’s meeting along with action items and due dates Next Steps
Query Health Calendar Implementation Group Tuesdays 1:30pm-3:00pm EDT Clinical Work Group Wednesdays 12pm-1pm EDT Operations Work Group Thursdays 11am-12pm EDT Technical Work Group Thursdays 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT First Face to Face Meeting October 18-19