Radiation Safety Unit Department of Compliance & Risk Dr Ian Haslam [ , Head of Radiological Protection, Radiation Safety Unit, Williamson Building (Level 7), University of Manchester Security management & control February 2016
University of Manchester 2 Dalton Cumbria Facility Victoria UniversityUMIST University of Manchester North CampusSouth Campus - Standard Rules - Open source - HASS (+ Closed) - Open source - HASS (+ Closed) - Open source
Dalton Cumbria Facility, Westlakes 3
DCF gamma irradiator 4 15 kCi (555 TBq) delivering 16.5 kRad/min
DCF security arrangements 5 [version 6 February 2016] ……… and liaise with CTSO volume 2: approved products and suppliers, part 4: security protection products, section 5: physical security protection of buildings and other facilities the source is protected by a layer of ‘onion skins’ each conforming to specific security criteria i.e. irradiator, facility door, access doors, etc.
Protecting laboratories 6 Consider activity & nature of radioisotopes: high levels (<0.5 GBq) beta / gammas in life sciences are less radiotoxic than a few kBq of alphas (e.g. Po-210) quantity of waste generated in terms of public perception of threat (dirty bomb) – bags of P-32 waste present a low health risk but a significant collateral threat life sciences: the quantity of waste generated in terms of public perception of threat (dirty bomb) – bags of P-32 waste present a low health risk but a significant collateral threat accessibility of labs to students / public – DCF is a closed site but Central Campus labs have higher footfall.
Protecting people from alpha emitters 7 Facility design Systems Training
DCF ion beam 8 5 MV ion beam accelerator to be supplemented by a 2.5 MV accelerator with two overlapping beam lines = 7.5 MV
Currently beam lines for low-energy corrosion 9 5 MV ion beam accelerator for radiochemistry and corrosion studies Current situation 3 mm metallic discs with metallic composition mostly known irradiated in an enclosed chamber mix of prompt and short lived beta / gamma radioisotopes rapidly diminishing dose rate – monitoring program for access to chamber hall and safe keeping of discs prior to release discs undamaged by irradiation so far as friability concerned, thus closed sources decay storage then off-site transfer to customers when disc composition is known the radioisotope mix or ‘fingerprint’ is predictable source accountancy procedures can be linked to the longest lived radioisotope which can then be tracked through an accountancy system source i.d. then relates to the metallic disc radioisotopes & activities and to a print out of the ‘fingerprint’ Environment Agency (closed source) permit conditions are met – everything is known Regulations for Safe Transport IAEA SSR-6 conditions are met – everything is known
2 lines for corrosion studies = headache 10 5 MV MV convergent ion beams for high-energy deposition corrosion studies 3 mm metallic discs with metallic composition mostly known irradiated in an enclosed chamber mix of prompt and short lived beta / gamma radioisotopes rapidly diminishing dose rate – monitoring program for access to chamber hall and safe keeping of discs prior to release discs are damaged by irradiation and friable decisions required high irradiation conditions could cause formation of short lived gaseous isotopes – is ventilation of the chamber required friable = open sources (licensing) discs significantly ‘hotter’ – does this effect storage and transport other handover issues common with previous slide has consignee a licence to receive who at consignee’s institute gives permission? – audit trail for UoM: 3 sites, (DCF), North Campus & South Campus – who has authority, who is responsible, how to track between departments, do departments have permission to receive and up to what limits = complex accountancy
University of Manchester 11 Dalton Cumbria Facility Victoria UniversityUMIST University of Manchester North CampusSouth Campus - Standard Rules - Open source - HASS (+ Closed) - Open source - HASS (+ Closed) - Open source
12 Managing the permit – how? But managing the site inventory is achieved by routing all purchases through the Radiation Safety Unit
13 Managing the sources – currently The system Purchase request to Radiation Safety Unit RSU orders and receives source (or agrees other arrangements) RSU delivers source and issues stock holding and waste disposal record sheets User creates own accountancy methodology Record sheets summarised and returns to RSU each month Disadvantages (the system is adequate…but) No consensus of approach Difficult to compile and manipulate University data Had one accountancy system that was impossible to follow…no sustainability Isn’t obviously explicable to Environment Agency inspector Don’t trust decay calculation Real time observation not possible System can be by-passed – sanctions? Absent key staff = loss of data collection / compilation Permit requirements Source accountancy records kept and available at all times
14 Managing the sources – new approach
15 Managing the sources electronically (1/2)
16 Managing the sources electronically (2/2)
University radiation safety network 17 University of Manchester North CampusSouth CampusDalton Cumbria Radiation Protection Officers (3) Departmental Radiation Protection Supervisors ~50 covering ~20 Schools & Institutes Head of Radiological Protection Heads of Schools & Institutes Principal Investigators Deans of Faculties Chain of responsibility individuals
University radiation safety liaison network 18 University of Manchester North CampusSouth CampusDalton Cumbria Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre Manchester Cancer Research Centre NHS Trust Hospital UoM Dental Hospital Affiliated Institutes etc. hosting UoM research Head of Radiological Protection (examples of) lines of liaison
University radiation safety committees 19 University of Manchester North CampusSouth CampusDalton Cumbria Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre Manchester Cancer Research Centre NHS Trust Hospital UoM Dental Hospital Affiliated Institutes etc. hosting UoM research Head of Radiological Protection (examples of) Safety, Health & Environment Committee, chaired by the Registrar / Chief Operating Officer Radiation Safety Coordinating Committee, chaired by a senior professorial academic Radiation Safety Technical Advisory Group, chaired by a senior academic Secretary to
University radiation safety (etc.) procedures 20 University of ManchesterAffiliated Institutes etc. hosting UoM research Safety Health & Environment Committee Head of Radiological Protection Policy & Arrangements Chapters (healthandsafety.manchester.ac.uk/policy) Chapter 25: Ionising radiation safety (v dated) Chapter 18: Working across organisational boundaries Chapter 4: Radiation safety Chapter 20: University and NHS Trust shared premises Director of Compliance & Risk Registrar and Chief Operating Officer responsibility for approval direct report responsible for preparation of Chapters, monitoring against, & reporting to RSTAG
21 An opportunity to do something special and opportunity to design in good safety & security principles. BUT requires good communication and bringing in the right people at the right time
22 Finale: why radiation safety?