Mickey mantle was born on October 20, 1931 in Spavinaw, OK. He went to Commerce High school. He was drafted to the major league at the age of 19!!! Mickey died in Dallas, TX on August 13, 1995.
Nicknames: The Mick, The Commerce Comet, Muscles All Star Selection: 1956 ML, 1956 MVP, 1956 American League Triple Crown (Batting Average.353, 52 Homeruns, and 130 RBIs, 1957 MVP, 1965 HA Inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame 1974
In the book “The Wednesday Wars” Mickey was a role model to everyone. Mickey was loved especially by the kids. In “The Wednesday Wars” Mickey was at the Bakers Sporting Emporium and was signing baseballs for whoever brought one. Holling brought one but Mickey refused to sign it because of how Holling was dressed.
“ a team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide.” “somebody once asked me if I ever went up to the plate trying to hit a home run. I said ‘sure every time.” “I will play baseball for the Army or fight for it, whichever they want me to do.”
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