Curriculum Night Ms. Eichinger
1/2 Basics Snacks/lunches/birthday treats (23 kids) Forks, spoons, plates, napkins, etc. Grading software/frequency Friday Folders Take a Break/Community Space MAPS tests Flexible Ability Groups
Science Mr. Kennedy 2 nd and Ms. Foss 1 st First Grade Science -Light and Sound -Parents/offspring -Biomimicry -Space patterns/cycles -Engineering/Design Second Grade Science -Matter -Earth’s Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth -Interdependent relationships in ecosystems -Earth’s processes -Passion Projects
Social Studies Ms. Eichinger 1 st and Ms. Hamilton 2 nd First Grade SS -Geography (maps and globes, addresses, creating maps, interaction with the environment) -History (arranging life events, calendars, characteristics and cultures, famous Americans, US symbols) -Civics (responsible leaders/team members) -Economics (goods and services, jobs, personal financial goals) Second Grade SS -Geography (tools, boundaries, mapping, resources) - Economics (goods and services, personal financial goals, resources, scarcity) - Civics (civic responsibility, influencing our community, power, managing conflict and differences) -History (timelines, historical sources, tools, organizing events, neighborhoods, past influencing present)
Thank you for coming!
Curriculum Night Ms. Eichinger
Literacy Schedule Warm-up, writing, stations Daily 5 Work Stations/Choice Book Clubs Words Their Way - self-paced spelling (goals) Spelling City Writer’s Workshop –Fairy Tales, informational text, biography, mystery, science fiction, author study, letter writing, paragraph/essay writing Fall conferences!
Thank you for coming!
Curriculum Night Ms. Eichinger
Math Socrative warm-up with needs-based groupings daily Small group work Projects/open-ended problems Extensions on Khan Academy (self-paced and not tied to curriculum) Practice on IXL (3rd grade) Math by quarter –1st - Number sense (reading/writing, rounding, estimating, ordering, +/- with borrowing and regrouping, decimals) –2nd - Computation and Fractions (multiplying up to 2x2 digit, %, factors, square roots, = fractions, long division, decimals, +/- fractions, mixed numbers) –3rd - Measurement (elapsed time, money, volume, length, width, area, perimeter) –4th - Geometry, Graphing (angles, 2D and 3D shapes, triangles, lines, symmetry, mean, median, mode and range, pictographs, bar graphs, line plots) Fall conferences!
Thank you for coming!