Going to War in Vietnam SWBAT: Describe the war in Vietnam from the perspective Of US soldiers. Skim pages Vietcong (who?): -What were the problems with Diem? -Strategy hamlets (what are they?): -Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (definition): -Incident (I’ll give you info): -Operation Rolling Thunder (definition): -Napalm (definition): -Agent orange (definition): -Ho Chi Minh Trail (definition): SIN #54
Vietcong Guerrilla army fighting for communists in South Vietnam Mostly civilians that supported Minh
Problems with Diem Discriminated against Buddhists Corrupt government Did not listen to USA advice Was not liked by S. Vietnamese people USA plot to overthrow Diem, ended up getting shot and killed Accident or Assassination?
Strategic hamlets USA idea to take people from villages that have been infiltrated by Vietcong and move them to another area surrounded by fence and armed guards to protect them. Very unpopular and did not work
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Authorized president to take any necessary measure in Vietnam, escalating USA involvement Incident- USA had boats off shore in international waters that were attacked by North
Operation Rolling Thunder Plan to bomb out N. Vietnam and Vietcong into submission Killed 100,000+ civilians in process Americans question- Why are we destroying a country to save it?
napalm Used against Japan in WWII Sticky flammable jelly used to burn down jungle Agent Orange Chemical spray dropped from plans to eat away jungles to easily find enemy Caused cancer for troops on patrol
Ho Chi Minh Trail Supply route from North Vietnam through neighboring countries (Laos and Cambodia) to supply Vietcong with weapons. USA bombed trail for years but were unsuccessful Vietcong used bikes or were on foot, not large trucks and convoys China and Soviet Union helped North Vietnam with resources/money against USA
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution SIN #53 cont. back side - due tomorrow Notebook check Friday #26-56 Current Event due Monday Cumulative Vocab Test April 25/26
tunnels forrest gump rain forrest gump attack scene